Tuesday, June 26, 2007

carbon paper

I think if you were to ask kids today what carbon paper is they would be baffled. I certainly knew what it was....got my hands all messy...if you put it in the typewriter wrong side out...it just didn't work!

Why am I thinking about that now! I had a dream last night that I had just gotten my job at the radio station.

This little skinny girl who knew nothing...and boy when I was hired...I was all fired up....thinking I was somebody.

I must have been pretty boring in those days because all I could think about and talk about was that station.

What kinds of music we played on the 33 l/3 rpm's....who was running the board...who was writing the logs....and just who was...

I recall going into our big studio...our Stephen Collins Foster studio with a magnificent piano. Our bookkeeper could really play...and my boss had a fantastic tenor voice.

I just couldn't get over my good fortune....and so I enjoyed it for 9 years when I became very pregnant with Jeff.

I knew then that was a chapter closed in my life....but a better one was to open.

It was no competition!

My job was parttime program director and writing all the commercials....hence the carbon paper.

I had never heard of a Zerox...or for that matter an electric or electronic typewriter....or a word processor. Didn't exist in 1944. How primitive it was and I didn't even know it.

1 comment:

Jeff.Gordon said...

I get the same reaction when I discuss "punc cards". Do you remember the punch cards I kept at home as a souvenir of my first job?