Thursday, October 26, 2017


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's a living breathing thing!

A salamander was running alongside the top of my fence on my patio. I believe I sat about half an hour watching this tiny specimen creature, one of God's creations.

A little red thing would energize every couple of seconds from his throat area and I didn't know if it was his breathing, catching bugs, or a sexual thing.

One thing I do know! It reminded me of how a dynasaur must have looked a billion years ago except a lot diminished in size.

Is this part of the reptile family? Is it a bug? Whatever, he was so cute that I would never dare deliberately take him out of this world. Some people refer to them as geicos...others as lizards.

Little children when they visit from the north want to take them home with them...but I explain that it's a tropical creature.

Some people meditate...others do yoga. Me...I watch salamanders.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How things are wrapped!

Including packaging have sure changed. When we had our toy store, a blister package was a thin sheet of plastic over the item, and you would pull it apart as easily as peeling a banana.

Today, not so. It's just about the hardest chore on my schedule these days. However, I have a wonderful friend...Virginia, who lives right next door to me. One day she walked over with a present for me....a good pair of scissors made for slicing into todays's blister pack.

When she brought it over, I thought I would never have occasion to use it.

Well...this gift returned me from insanity to being very functional.

My old cell phone wouldn't hold a I made a new purchase of an upgraded one. Not only was the phone in rigid heavy-duty plastic....but the battery also came locked in a blister of it's own.

I wonder if the manufactures over in China giggled as they constructed these...............saying those stupid Americans will be cursing over this.

Anyway, back to Virginia and her magic shears.....cut right through all those heavy layers...and finally after cutting this way and that way.....hooray, I was able to retrieve my purchase.

Now....all I have to do is study the instructions. Help Virginia!!!!!!! And while I was struggling to open this...Jeff and Donna were on Skype with me...watching...and I don't want them to know how weak I am.

They were exchanging the $300. that they had entered into my old phone and putting that amount into my new cell.

Now I have to wait for someone to call me! I gotta use up some of that money!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Chicken Little

How many hundreds of thousands of chickens have we tried to be creative with? I know you're not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition...but now I must concentrate on this chicken thing.

Each country has different cooking styles for this unlucky bird whose main reason for living is to give us eggs and then let us feed on him.

I'll tell you what really disturbs me. When I go to the supermarket and I see their rotisserie with all the chicken, side by side, with their wings at their side, roasting and rotating while their juices flow.

Perhaps I should become a vegetarian!

Dog eat dog world!

Anyhow today I'm in the process of doing something with breasts...not mine...a chicken whose fate is to be not long-lived.

Did he enjoy his little bit of time on earth? Does he have a brain.

I know he has a heart and a liver...but I've never heard of chicken brains. I've heard of cow brains...but what about this unfortunate creature.

Am I spoiling my appetite for what I am about to cook!!!! MAYBE.
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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Chicken Little

How many hundreds of thousands of chickens have we tried to be creative with? I know you're not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition...but now I must concentrate on this chicken thing.

Each country has different cooking styles for this unlucky bird whose main reason for living is to give us eggs and then let us feed on him.

I'll tell you what really disturbs me. When I go to the supermarket and I see their rotisserie with all the chicken, side by side, with their wings at their side, roasting and rotating while their juices flow.

Perhaps I should become a vegetarian!

Dog eat dog world!

Anyhow today I'm in the process of doing something with breasts...not mine...a chicken whose fate is to be not long-lived.

Did he enjoy his little bit of time on earth? Does he have a brain.

I know he has a heart and a liver...but I've never heard of chicken brains. I've heard of cow brains...but what about this unfortunate creature.

Am I spoiling my appetite for what I am about to cook!!!! MAYBE.