Sunday, April 22, 2012

Frustrated...or is it me???

About ten years ago, hotels and motels came out with a new form of key.   Plastic like a charge card and you insert it in the room you're renting.
Well..sounds good...but does it least some of the time.   I swipe it in the hotel slot in the door...and nothing happens...except for a red light.  Now I know that red lights mean I instantly remove.

Now I try again turning the card in a different direction...same story.   I insert the card again and get a green light, but if you don't remove the card fast enough, it shuts off.  And this ritual goes on and on!

Five minutes have passed by now and I feel stupid, plus ..   I have to use the bathroom. 

 Finally another guest comes along and smiles at me.   I return the smile but I guess she can see utter disappointment in my face because she asks, can she help me.

I admit that I'm stuck outside my door.  I can't get in.   She takes my card...does exactly what I did...and the door flies open.

She feels very accomplished and I feel like a real dud.   She probably told someone she helped an elderly lady get into her room and why is she traveling at all if she can't even us a cardkey.

Does this happen to other people too....or is it just me????

Please .. please.. give me my old key back...even a skeleton one will do.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Good day for kites!

I'm inspired...just looking out my window!   There's choreography going on with all the leaves in my sight.   I have some mighty trees and they all have healthy, sturdy branches and boughs, festive  with the greenest leaves...and when the wind blows, it's a sight to behold...they're all doing a dance...graceful as can be...and I never get tired just watching.

It makes me know that God is in charge and the performance outside my window proves it.

It's spring and even the newest green leaves have joined in, firmly attached, and it's like a big chorus where they all move.   No wall flowers on my tree!    They move in unison!  And when the sun shines between the branches, that's an added's in 'living color

They dance and if a bug is on a leaf, they get a real ride...just like going to Disney.   There are thousands of leaves just moving around right in front of my vision and I'm delighting in every one.

  If I desire to open my window, I get sound!   The melody of the rustling of the tranquil and sweet.     It makes me feel happy from within.

And when fall comes...we have mulch.

Shredded Leaves are natures favorite mulch. Shredded leaves can be used as mulch anywhere and have the added bonus of being free

Much better than dancing with the stars!   This is no competition...more like dancing with the sky!  

These are living things and I treasure each leaf for the happiness and the natural air conditioning it brings.  The birds also take pleasure in my tree...a resting place from their flight.   Even the squirrels scamper up and down the much fun! 

In Genesis in the Bible, the tree is one of the very first things that God created..and all through the ages our ancestors have seen what I'm writing about.

Dear Reader, you, too, can have a thrilling day...just look out your window!
So much excitement...and all for free!  Take it all in!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sloppy Broadcasting!

I've noticed lately that TV commercial breaks have become less than professional...and I don't know whether this is due to satellites, which is a miracle in itself.   We can watch as it's happening!   Who would have thought!

.  The anchor person used to keep tabs of  the time  and know just how many seconds remaining  till it was time for a commercial break...or they'd kill a little time so that the break would be smooth.   The anchor person is not alone...there's someone who does a little windup with their hands.

I've noticed not so today!!   No..they cut off whoever's speaking in the middle of a sentence and then you see a big commercial,which makes you wonder all you missed.   But it probably wasn't all that much because it's all reality TV anyway.   Perhaps that's a more inexpensive way to produce shows.

Did the audience in real time see and hear what is going on and we were just 'cut off'.....and did we really miss something!

I think it's sloppy broadcasting that you don't need to be cognizant of the time....that the commercials will get in no matter what.  What if there was a real emergency...but time to break.  I know the answer.   Everything is routinely scheduled and automatic.

It appears to me that this has just happened since we now have digital TV...analog is gone!    Is our technology too technical for us, that it can control regular programming?

I think I want to go back to the old days when they announced we'll return after a brief message from our sponsor.