Monday, April 17, 2017 I like your visits...come again soon!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Eric and Ryan (both married men)-- Love Makes the World Go Round!

I watched them grow from a distance.   Geography always alluded my direct presence in their lives, but vicariously I watched both boys grow up.   We had a toy store and I do believe they had one of everything that we stocked!

In the last two months, I have attended two sensational, spectacular in Chicago and the other in Long Island.   Everyone so dressed up...and yes, a place to go....weddings!  Some people cry at weddings...not me..I was thrilled and I smiled during the entire ceremony!

At Eric's wedding, I walked down the aisle on Ryan's arm....and at Ryan's ...I walked down the aisle with  Eric....I was so honored and thrilled...that I could participate in this most important event in both their lives. 

They both fell in love with lovely brides, thanks to J Date.   My heart is so full of love and caring and

wanting them to have enriched lives with their brides.

My only regret was that my sister and brother-in-law weren't here to see these joyous proud and happy this would have made them.

Eric and Becky...Ryan and Daniela...two very newly-married couples setting out in this very complicated world of shoes off at airports, terrorists, and recession economy.   My generation has a lot of explaining to do to pass this bad stuff on to you.   

Becky is a doctor and Daniela is a I know both boys will be in good hands....and so will their patients.  When I met both girls, I was so impressed with how smart and beautiful they both are.

I so enjoyed your weddings and watching you exchange rings and vows.

My family has now expanded....I have great nieces...and what a great feeling that is.

I just hope I can live up to being a great aunt to these two special women.   I adore them!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Monday, September 16, 2013

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

And it's a new day!

I rarely get to watch the miraculous wee hours of the night unfold into daylight, when the sun comes  peeking through, very softly, and it's the  beginning of another day that our Creator has granted us.

I know this is a poor analogy, but this is how I feel when I first start my computer....very very gradually it lights up. ...into spectacularness!

First I see all the special icons like stars in the sky that my kids have picked for me.. and as I eye each one, it seems to say....pick me, pick me.   I'm here to serve you...whatever you desire!

Then I tap Email......and the top of the complete page forms all the information that has been stored there by the magical computer wizard.
With complete wonderment, I watch all this unfold...and oh yes,  I mustn't forget, it gives a complete yawn when it's ready...or maybe when it's bored with my choices.

Now it's my turn to see all that has transpired.      I'm ready to face a new day.    I have my morning cup of java (not the script)...and I'm ready to read my Washington Post......everything that occurred while I was sleeping.

Although in the wee hours of the morning I somtimes hear Jeff take over my puter......checking everything out......and I look at the clock and my heart breaks because I know he's having another sleepless night.

With my computer, I feel connected to the whole world....and that' why it's called www.

Im so grateful  that I'm living in this time slot......because I'm never lonely.  I recall being so thrilled to go to Office Depot to buy a small wooden desk with a slideout shelf for the keyboard....and then I pounced upon a chair that was adjustable...which is just what I need.   Next a mouse pad....and I was in business.

  Now it was up to Jeff and Donna to give me 300% patience on how to use the mouse..and the keyboard and the icons....never thought I'd get the hang of it.  They explained everything to me...even took it apart so I could see its workings.   A really outstanding service is Skype.   Bought a little camera and every single week I get to visit with my kids for about 2 hours...they sit in two chairs and we see each other and we talk.  Sometimes Bandit, one of their dogs, sits on their laps...and this is a treat too.

You Tube also plays a very important role in my everyday life.   Any song that I desire to's here.  I feel so lucky!

Everything they showed me was important...but what stands out most is my blog that they set up for me..and that's been such an outlet of my rememberings...kind of makes my life come together.

 And my Hallmark cards that they taught me to make..and I've never bought any since... the receivers of my cards all compliment me.

I musn't forget my little digital camera that I can plug into Picassa photo gallery  and store all the pictures of the people I love and the events like weddings...permanent records of their lives.

Didn't realize that   I would be this enthusiastic about an inanimate object. 

I often wonder if it wasn't for Jeff and Donna...would I still be so interested....and that's a big question....and I don't know the answer.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Can't use that excuse...I"M TOO BUSY !!

Now that I have a GPS...I don't have to drive to the library any longer.   I have my digital Reader.

Now that I have tons of note papr (gifts from friends) I don't need to write...I just send e mails.

Now that I can drive to the movies...I have a DVD.

Now that I have some money in the bank...I just use my charge card.    And I don't even need to balance my checkbook.   Everyday my bank sends me (free of charge) my balance and how much deposited and how much spent.   I don't even have to write checks for my telephone, chargecard or's automatically deducted from my checking account.

Now that I have a can buy it just as fresh in the supermarket.  

I haven't had to shake my dust mop out for many years...I have a SWIFTER...and you just discard the soiled sheets....and  you have instant dustfree floors.

My biggest chore it seems to to load and unload my dishwasher.  I don't have to wash them any longer..and they come cleaner. 

I don't need to look any information up any two seconds I enter it into my search engine...and I have all the facts...(oh I'm so smart)..

Now that I have time to watch my favorite television shows...I have TIVO!

 I haven't had to wind a watch for many's all digital.  And when did it become fashionable when I ask someone what time it is...they'll answer 12:43.    Whatever happened to quarter to 1 ?

  If I can't fall asleep...Paul and Barbara gave me a sound machine to simulate sounds of water to make me drowsy and put me in a state

Now that.....THAT'S THE BIG QUESTION!     The answer is....I need a DOG and a pooper scooper.

That will give me plenty of work...but alas...we're not permitted to own one here.

But maybe...just maybe..........

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I peed in the Ritz Carlton!

I've never had high tea there or anything else for that matter.  But my friends wanted me to take a peak at the grand lobby and I didn't know that was one of our destinations, so I really wasn't dressed appropriately.   If one could feel like a pauper, it was me.

I would have dressed for the occasion!  Then the good friends of mine insisted I should examine the 'ladies room'.    It was beautiful.   No paper towels there...beautiful washclothes so that friends helped themselves to.

I didn't and I didn't partake of the mints they had in a beautiful container.

However, I entered their stall..and I was really was just lovely.   Made me feel that this natural function of all living things, was a special 'happening'.   I think that was the first toilet that flushed itself and scared the heck out of me.

Then I went to rinse off my hands....and I never turned on the faucets...the water splashed on to my hands.   Then the lotion...don't know what it was but it smelled delicious.

There was a woman sitting on a stool watching everything and I dropped a dollar into her container.

It sure was worth it.   It was an adventure.

Now I can actually say...I've been to the Ritz and the service was great.    I was explaining this to my friend Virginia...and she insisted I write this if it doesn't meet with your must blame her!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Event!

Everytime I think I'm running out of material for my blog I just have to look around me and think!     I'm so fortunate in having so many things to talk about.

A few weeks ago, or I should go back about a month ago, I received a precious bejeweled invitation to Ruth Fagan's 85 birthday party.  Now to look at my friend, you'd never believe that this was this special birthday.   In fact, Ruth didn't think so either...because written on her birthday (loaded with calories) cake was written....Happy 75th!   And she's absolutely's 85th is ten years going back counter clockwise.     Actually, truth be told, Ruth looks much younger than that and her wardrobe attests to this.

I was really looking forward to this.....event of the season.      

To find Ruth's house, her friend Faye went to the dollar store and bought 2 beautiful helium  balloons which she hung on Ruth's outdoor post...announcing  to her're've arrived!

Ruth hired Cornelius, our High Point employee,  to help serve and clean up...along with entertaining because he has a beautiful voice.....and he sang a touching gospel number that he has recorded.

This wasn't the only entertainment of the evening....two members of Temple Beth El entertained us with music and a darling skit.

Ruth had filled up her whole house with friends and relatives.......and we all really pigged out on all the food catered by 3 G's restaurant.

Ruth had  ordered so much that I was invited back the next day to eat leftovers much to my delight.

We  all had such a good time that we stayed about 4 hours which is a long time when your hostess is exhausted.

The guests left with a large 'goodie  bag'  filled with all kinds of delightful presents.

My greatest present is the lasting delicious memory  of this special party...wih this special friend...and the enthusiasm and joy she put into this party.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Just thinking...and it makes me happy.

Every morning I think of my darling babies.   I think about Davis with his blond curls and his ineresting face absorbing everything that is said to him.   And he listens if  you call him he comes over to you.  I've seen other children ignore they're so focused.

When I watch the big smile that comes on Davis' face when he dances and he does have a natural sense of heart just turns over.   I'm so in love.  His entire little body moves and it's so touching to watch this little human being.

I can't seem to realize how lucky I am to have him in my later years I get to enjoy my little folks and watch their expressions.

Now to Shane and Hallie........I see the love between those two.  I see no jealousy....just pure unadulrated love.

I watched the other day when Shane got into his little car...closed the door and Hallie got behind and she was pushing him.   I'm sure he was helping her along but it was such a tender moment that I will  

in my memory.

I love these children so much I explode with joy.   I love their parents too.  What more can a woman in her 90's want except to think of her little ones

I do believe that they'll grow into great people.