Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Can't use that excuse...I"M TOO BUSY !!

Now that I have a GPS...I don't have to drive to the library any longer.   I have my digital Reader.

Now that I have tons of note papr (gifts from friends) I don't need to write...I just send e mails.

Now that I can drive to the movies...I have a DVD.

Now that I have some money in the bank...I just use my charge card.    And I don't even need to balance my checkbook.   Everyday my bank sends me (free of charge) my balance and how much deposited and how much spent.   I don't even have to write checks for my telephone, chargecard or's automatically deducted from my checking account.

Now that I have a can buy it just as fresh in the supermarket.  

I haven't had to shake my dust mop out for many years...I have a SWIFTER...and you just discard the soiled sheets....and  you have instant dustfree floors.

My biggest chore it seems to to load and unload my dishwasher.  I don't have to wash them any longer..and they come cleaner. 

I don't need to look any information up any two seconds I enter it into my search engine...and I have all the facts...(oh I'm so smart)..

Now that I have time to watch my favorite television shows...I have TIVO!

 I haven't had to wind a watch for many's all digital.  And when did it become fashionable when I ask someone what time it is...they'll answer 12:43.    Whatever happened to quarter to 1 ?

  If I can't fall asleep...Paul and Barbara gave me a sound machine to simulate sounds of water to make me drowsy and put me in a state

Now that.....THAT'S THE BIG QUESTION!     The answer is....I need a DOG and a pooper scooper.

That will give me plenty of work...but alas...we're not permitted to own one here.

But maybe...just maybe..........

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