Thursday, April 17, 2014

So very long ago

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Time Was!

With all the talk about the economy and jobs, it suddenly  occurred to me that I actually never went looking for a job.  Work came to me.

I'm not a very gutsy person so I guess I have to consider myself pretty lucky. 

My sweet Mother whom I adored died when I was going on 16...and when I graduated from high school at 17, my father sent me to commercial college.

I was still reeling from my Mother's death. 

This school received a phone call from our local radio station that they needed a continuity I was sent.  WKPA was our 'Voice of the Valley'...and we signed off with the local sunset.

I was hired on the spot...and spots are what I had to write.

I was sooo green...didn't even know what a radio spot was.   But I loved...adored this job.

I ended up being a girl Friday also...doing everything...selecting music...picking out classical music that I couldn't even pronounce....and selecting electrical transcriptions ...that we played on two large turntables.

A short while after that...tape players were used.

I loved my boss and all the announcers who worked there.   They would gather everyday in my office to 'gossip'...and some days in order to get a commercial on the air, I needed to go to another office to write it.

I stayed on 9 years until I was 7 months pregnant.

My only other job after that was in our own toy store where Allen and I worked side by side...enjoying the children enjoying their toys.

And we knew that once they pass that child-spot in their lives, they could ne're return again.

I think about all this frequently because....this was my life!  And good it w

Monday, April 14, 2014

I remember it you?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I wonder if anyone else remembers..or am I too old?

Thoughts drift in and out of my mind at no particular time of the day. These musings just appear.

Like for instance...the little slot that used to be on bathroom medicine cabinets for men to drop their razor blades in. Wonder what happened when it all filled up.

Did anybody's Mother make 'orange candy' out of the pealings of naval oranges and I don't know what the other ingredients were...but I loved it.

We used to take a clove of garlic and rub it on a piece of toasted rye bread...and so delicious.

We used to take our tablets or notebooks and drop ink on it and create Roarch Tests and see if we could identify what it appeared to be.

We didn't use a kazoo to make music...took a comb with a piece of tissue paper or toilet paper...and if it didn't tickle your lips to much...compose our own beautiful music.

I wonder if anyone had to wear 'snuggies' on cold days...tops and bottoms...embarrassing but oh so warm and cozy.

Just thoughts and more thoughts. My Sister Elayne and I changed our dresses when we came home from school and put on playclothes.
I wore her hand-me-downs since she was 3 years older.

We used to lie on our stomachs with the radio on to do our homework. It was such a natural position for us.

I can still smell the musty smell on trains from the upholstered seats.

Comfortable...but smelly! I can still see the conductor with his gold buttons on his vest and jacket.

Wonder why they always made men's suits with vests. Most men never wore them.

What makes these thoughts clutter my brain at this time in my life...I haven't the faintest....

Feeling God's Presence

Friday, August 2, 2013

Feeling the Presence of God

I'm inspired...just looking out my window!   There's choreography going on with all the leaves in my sight.   I have some mighty trees and they all have healthy, sturdy branches and boughs, festive  with the greenest leaves...and when the wind blows, it's a sight to behold...they're all doing a dance...graceful as can be...and I never get tired just watching.

It makes me know that God is in charge and the performance outside my window proves it.

It's spring and even the newest green leaves have joined in, firmly attached, and it's like a big chorus where they all move.   No wall flowers on my tree!    They move in unison!  And when the sun shines between the branches, that's an added's in 'living color

They dance and if a bug is on a leaf, they get a real ride...just like going to Disney.   There are thousands of leaves just moving around right in front of my vision and I'm delighting in every one.

  If I desire to open my window, I get sound!   The melody of the rustling of the tranquil and sweet.     It makes me feel happy from within.

And when fall comes...we have mulch.

Shredded Leaves are natures favorite mulch. Shredded leaves can be used as mulch anywhere and have the added bonus of being free

Much better than dancing with the stars!   This is no competition...more like dancing with the sky!  

These are living things and I treasure each leaf for the happiness and the natural air conditioning it brings.  The birds also take pleasure in my tree...a resting place from their flight.   Even the squirrels scamper up and down the much fun!

In Genesis in the Bible, the tree is one of the very first things that God created..and all through the ages our ancestors have seen what I'm writing about.

Dear Reader, you, too, can have a thrilling day...just look out your window!
So much excitement...and all for free!  Take it all in!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Last night I had a 'gentlemen caller'

Yes, about 10 o'clock last night!   It wasn't a knock on my door...or the doorbell chimes...or even someone squeezing through my window...but, wait, yes it was...on my Windows 7.

This little guy came via Skype.  I rushed over to my computer and was alerted that it was a video caller.

I pressed the magic button and living color...sat my darling little Shane, now 13 months old.

He doesn't remember me, of course, but he was smiling, along with his mom and dad, Becky and Eric.

I was thrilled that they wanted to share their baby with me.   Eric read him books and Shane turned the pages and he was very interested, at least for the attention span of a baby.

I asked if he had ever tasted ice cream yet and they said he loves it.   So Becky went to the refrig and scooped out half a bowl for him and he opened his mouth eagerly waiting for the next a little bird being fed.

Eric let him crawl to his bedroom and this little angel (devil) opened his chest of drawers and removed all the clothes...then he threw them all back.   All the while he kept looking at Eric waiting to see what his reaction would be.

Eric kept saying don't do that Shane...but he kept right on with this task and then he went to his crib and pulled out his quilt between the slabs.   He was very busy while keeping an eye on his dad...I'm not sure whether he wanted his father's approval or disapproval.

When Becky went to undress him for bed, he pulled his own shirt over his head.

Well, I was really impressed....and he understands most everything.

He got all excited when they said it was time to brush his teeth.    Becky put a little toothpaste on his brush and baby went to town...loved doing this...and then she offered him a cup of water.   He drank some...and then blew bubbles in the rest.

My big thrill of the evening was when Eric covered his face and played peek a boo....and my baby laughed a big hearty laugh.    I had never heard him laugh out loud before.  It made me laugh out loud too.

I adore this child and feel so blessed to have him in my life...