Monday, January 23, 2012

Searching Within!

Politics is forefront right now in my life.   Even though I'm a liberal, I'm very into what's happening with the Repubicans...because ...and now there were 4 !

The vitality is sapped  from each of the candidates, and  while on this trail, they have to take it in good humor when insults are thrust at them...both from the media and the constituents.

Before one enters into a run for the must be very smart and surround yourself with even smarter people.

You must be lily white (not in racial color) but the way you've lived your life.  Imagine everytime you open your mouth, you have to wonder...would this affect me if I ran for office.   What a way to go thru life!   Who among us has lived a pure life...I don't know anybody.

That brings me to the point of writing this pure am I.   If I were to run for something big, would my opponents be able to dredge something in my private life, for which I would really be shamed.

I must be a very boring person, because I can't think of any...and that's not to say that I'm proud of everything I've ever done.   But, nothing major, that I can think of.

Did I sell a box of crayons that had 6 in the box instead of 8...did I sell something that would frustrate a child that would spoil his life.   Nope...nothing like that.  Did I munch  a nut while shopping in the bulk and bin store.

I better think hard on this because there must be something that can be attacked....but seriously, I need to be reminded.

I am not Saint Hilda !