Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Lady of Mystery!

I adore her...she moved next door to me... and she's so different than anyone I've ever known in my life.

Virginia came into my life and I have never  thought about anything in the same way again.

Is it geography...she comes from Missouri....but she's not fact, quite the opposite...she's up on just about everything.

Every day I find out good things about her....for instance, last week she had me for a New Year's Day luncheon...and it was all very traditional....asssuring us of a good year to come.

We have nothing in common...yet we're good friends.   I'm a a generation older than she is.   She goes to bed about 7 or 8 at night.        I'm a very night person...and I sleep late in the morning.

Virginia greets the paper boy...and she's done with all her shopping by the time I'm turning over  in my bed.     

This lady has had to fend for  herself for many years....and she's done it with grace.

She moved in about  the same time as our big  hurricane and she would come over every time I  lit my grill.....but she just came to socialize.....she  never partook of all the food.    She'd always  say she already ate  

I went with her to a John Lennon art show  downtown....and she was very enthusiastic...and I found it completely a first grader.

As I  say.......we are not alike....but she's trying to make me  less wimpy........and I dare say....

it's working!   One  thing I find completely the love for the things that she's colllected in her life....and she  has  a complete story about each artifact.    I saw handwork her mother crafted  set in a beautiful frame....and  long pieces of wood that has deep meaning for her.

She's such a good mother...she guides her grownup kids with such loving care.  She's just Goodness.

Thank you,  Virginia  for just being you.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saying so long to Jeff and Donna till next week!

Every Sunday morning Jeff, Donna and I Skype!   We talk about this and that....we laugh a lot...and it's

just a wonderful visit.   Even their dogs get in the picture.   I snapped this picture as we're ending our
conversation for another week.

I thank Skype and I thank my kids!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Skyping with Barbara and her Baby

This is how I visit with my niece Barbara 3 or 4 times a week.

She's so happy with her life.  Her two sons are engaged to girls becoming doctors.

She has a husband Paul who's really working hard, not just in his job, but at home, putting ceramic tile in the basement.

And then Barb has her little doggie Baby....and I never saw so much love and kisses.

You can see how happy she looks. 

Barbara had no idea I was snapping her picture while we were skyping.Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Kodak or Skype Moment!

Every Sunday morning I have a date...with Donna and Jeff. Yep, we're skyping. So when I was summoned to my computer that Jeff and Donna were calling.  This  is what greeted me! I couldn't stop laughing and neither could he.

It was very cold in Virginia and he had been outside shoveling snow and I could just feel his coldness...Skype is that good!

As I glance at this merriment, it brings back memories when Jeff was about 3 l/2 ...he had a little snow shovel and he was really working hard with his father...both removing heavy snow.
I was standing looking out of our picture window and Jeff

was wearing the same attire as in this picture.   When they came back in the house, I had hot cocoa with marshmallows for my men-folk...these sturdy removers of snow

And he is once again....with that same silly lovable grin on his face.

Keep Smiling Jeff !!!!