Saturday, June 14, 2008

Chicken Little

How many hundreds of thousands of chickens have we tried to be creative with? I know you're not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition...but now I must concentrate on this chicken thing.

Each country has different cooking styles for this unlucky bird whose main reason for living is to give us eggs and then let us feed on him.

I'll tell you what really disturbs me. When I go to the supermarket and I see their rotisserie with all the chicken, side by side, with their wings at their side, roasting and rotating while their juices flow.

Perhaps I should become a vegetarian!

Dog eat dog world!

Anyhow today I'm in the process of doing something with breasts...not mine...a chicken whose fate is to be not long-lived.

Did he enjoy his little bit of time on earth? Does he have a brain.

I know he has a heart and a liver...but I've never heard of chicken brains. I've heard of cow brains...but what about this unfortunate creature.

Am I spoiling my appetite for what I am about to cook!!!! MAYBE.


virginia said...

gosh miss hilda, i had to read this one a couple of times before i could post to it...

chickens DO have brains..not big and not good ones...I've killed many chickens with my mom and grandma...grandma had many and raised little chicks just for the two days set aside every summer to do the deed...but on a farm, you kill to eat. I loved the new chicks that would come in to town by train then later into the post office..have no idea where they were shipped from...but they were so cute..never gave a second thought to what their purpose was. I was young, and that's my excuse.

Glad you weren't referring to your breasts, or I'd have something totally different to say here! lol

I don't believe in killing for sport, but it's the way of the earth to kiil only what you need.

Come to think of it..maybe that's what is wrong with the world now?

\My life today said...

Gosh, Virginia, being as you're a farm girl, you are an 'authority' on chickens.

Jeff.Gordon said...

OK ... discussing your breasts online ... I'm going to have nightmares all night long now!

\My life today said...

Okay, Jeff, I forgot how prim and proper we are.

I guess I should say 'my boobs'!