Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Is he just stubborn or is he right!

He was just released from prison yesterday and has had a lot of time to think.

What do you think????

Unrepentant ‘Dr. Death’ still favors right to die
Dr. Kevorkian also asserts other physicians help ill patients commit suicide
NBC News video

Jack Kevorkian: Death is a 'natural right'
June 5: In an exclusive interview with TODAY's Ann Curry the doctor talks about being a free man and if he'd do assisted suicides again.
Today show

Web extra video

Kevorkian walks out of jail
June 1: Jack Kevorkian walks out of a Michigan prison and gets into a vehicle.
NBC News Web Extra

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By John Springer contributor
Updated: 11:20 a.m. ET June 5, 2007
Eight years in prison hasn’t changed physician-assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian’s opinion that legislatures can prohibit doctors from helping chronically ill patients end their lives, but no man-made rule can ever take away a person’s “natural right” to decide whether they wish to live or die.

“It is one of our natural rights that we are born with, the right to control the circumstances of one’s own death,” Kevorkian, 79, told TODAY’s Ann Curry on Tuesday during his first live television interview since being released from a Michigan prison last week.

“It can’t be controlled by external forces and be a right,” he told Curry. “The law can block your use of it. That doesn’t mean they destroy the right.”

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I happen to agree with him....he's right!

1 comment:

virginia said...

I don't think that anybody or entity has a right to tell us what we do or don't do with our own bodies

If a person is terminal and pain cannot be controlled by morphine, then they should have options of which is to end their suffering on their own terms if that is their wish

Had he been born 50 years from now, I believe he would have been accepted much more easily than at this time

He is not a well man now..I heard on a news show that he wasn't given the best of medical care while incarcerated ....I can't help but wonder if, even though he has promised that he won't assist ever again, he will break that promise when it comes to himself..that is his right and I feel he is intitled to it..

I watched his eyes and I saw a compassionate and humane human...we sure can't say that about lots of people!