Thursday, June 7, 2007

The person riding this bike is my nephew Paul!

I'm so proud of Paul. He rides for enjoyment...for his health...and just for the well-being of the earth around him. HE enjoys seeing the trees and the bike trails....and he concentrates on his breathing and feels that all's well with the world.

Paul has participated in bike marathons and rode 100 miles for MS and I can't even imagine it.

Even when I was young!

When I was 9 my father bought my sister and me a used powder blue thin tired bike. That's when everyone was riding with balloon tires.

Anyway, I fell in love with that bike and kept it long after I was I really got my father's money's worth!.

It took me everywhere. In Southwestern Pennsylvania, there are lots of hills and when I would be riding upstream it required quite a bit of strength from a skinny little girl.

There were no gear just pedaled.

I did have an upgrade though that I was so proud of...a rear few mirror and sometimes I think I looked behind me more than I looked ahead.

Very fond memories...and I'm proud of you, Paul.
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1 comment:

virginia said...

love this one...everyone who reads it will think back to their first bike

mine had training wheels, but i never learned to ride till dad took them off

i tipped over into a sewer ditch

your memories are much better than mine!!!!!