A million seconds is only 11.57 days
A billion seconds is 31.7 years
Obviously in today's world we need to add a trillion seconds, which is 317 centuries, or far longer than history.
We don't hear about thousands anymore...nope.
Nor do we hear much about millions....
What we are hearing daily is the word trillions. Scary....especially since we have such a big unemployment rate.
Tell these poor people about all the stimulus packages....and you don't see encouragement or happiness. No...we're seeing despair.
People want to work....working is good for the soul and spirit...so please, government, create more jobs in this country.
I don't know why I feel I have to write this.....I guess it makes me feel better!
We were an independent mom and pop toy store and I was thinking the other day as I was strolling through a super Walmart store, that thank God we're not in business any longer....we would have been among the unemployed.
Does President Obama have any idea at all what a trillion dollars is that he's handing out so freely. I would love to know...or Ben Bernake? Who knows!!!
hildag3@gmail.com...tomorrow you will be one day older than you are today. Make the most of it!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Broken Heart!
Monday afternoons will always find me at Hagen Ranch School. I work in an after-school program volunteering to help students with homework studies and reading books.
This year I've been working with 2 little girls, Ashley and Giselle, both eager, darling, enthusiastic children.
I can't get either of them out of my mind this week. Gizelle took a 6 by 8 card and pulled a pink marking pen out of her backpack.
I looked to see what she was doing. It was a love letter to both her parents letting them know how much she loves them.
On the bottom of the card she drew two hearts, one for mom and one for dad.
I told her what a nice idea that was. Then this sweet child informed me that her parents had broken up.
I looked at her and I could feel her heartache. This was her way of letting go of some of the emotion that she was feeling. How smart--she put it down on paper...took it home and gave it to her mother. That was also her way of letting me know what happened in her home. She just didn't blurt it out...that was her way of explaining it to me. Poor little girl!
Ashley on the other hand was staring at my face and then she asked how old am I. I laughingly informed her 1000 years old..
She stared and said she didn't believe me. Then she asked again and I told her 47. She, only 6 years old, told me that couldn't be true...her mother is 45 and has no wrinkles.
Then I told her I was much older and she asked why I had wrinkles and she started tracing her little hand up and down my check.
I said don't do that...it makes me feel self-conscious...and she asked what that meant. It means that I don't like the wrinkles but that happens when you get old.
Then....she gave me a big hug...and said she loves my wrinkles.
Before I left I was given a handbook to bring home. The girls asked me if a handbook was a book for hands.
I explained that it's just called a handbook because it's small and fits easily into hands.
They then asked if they could draw their hands in it so that I would keep it forever....and I really will.
I can't get these kids out of my thoughts.....so young and precious!
This year I've been working with 2 little girls, Ashley and Giselle, both eager, darling, enthusiastic children.
I can't get either of them out of my mind this week. Gizelle took a 6 by 8 card and pulled a pink marking pen out of her backpack.
I looked to see what she was doing. It was a love letter to both her parents letting them know how much she loves them.
On the bottom of the card she drew two hearts, one for mom and one for dad.
I told her what a nice idea that was. Then this sweet child informed me that her parents had broken up.
I looked at her and I could feel her heartache. This was her way of letting go of some of the emotion that she was feeling. How smart--she put it down on paper...took it home and gave it to her mother. That was also her way of letting me know what happened in her home. She just didn't blurt it out...that was her way of explaining it to me. Poor little girl!
Ashley on the other hand was staring at my face and then she asked how old am I. I laughingly informed her 1000 years old..
She stared and said she didn't believe me. Then she asked again and I told her 47. She, only 6 years old, told me that couldn't be true...her mother is 45 and has no wrinkles.
Then I told her I was much older and she asked why I had wrinkles and she started tracing her little hand up and down my check.
I said don't do that...it makes me feel self-conscious...and she asked what that meant. It means that I don't like the wrinkles but that happens when you get old.
Then....she gave me a big hug...and said she loves my wrinkles.
Before I left I was given a handbook to bring home. The girls asked me if a handbook was a book for hands.
I explained that it's just called a handbook because it's small and fits easily into hands.
They then asked if they could draw their hands in it so that I would keep it forever....and I really will.
I can't get these kids out of my thoughts.....so young and precious!
Saturday, September 19, 2009

When Jeff and Donna first started going together, they both volunteered for many years at the Fairfax Hospital.
Later they became involved in Toastmasters for many years.
Now their chief interest appears in taking care of their pets 3 cats and 2 dogs.
It's a very lively house...and I'm sure they're thrilled with all the activity.
Keep up the good works, my grown up children.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Travelers

They're on vacation at Yellowstone National Park. However, they look like they need a bench break...lots of walking. They took this special vacation and right before our High Holidays...a very good time because this is the Holiday that celebrates the beginning of Creation...and my niece and nephew went to see this great happening... A Work In Progress...because the beauty of nature never fades...it endures through the years...and the great majesty of it all. I know they enjoyed themselves because they sent me tons of pictures. They truly know how to vacation. Me...I'm not much of a traveler..so I do it on the discovery channel...and I still appreciate the grandness of it all. 

Friday, September 11, 2009
Cutting back before a hurricane!
It was a 'happening' all right. The 'tree clipper people' were right outside my window and they were cutting down a very huge branch of a very large tree in my backyard.
Now this wasn't just any branch. It was part of the tree...but almost as big as the tree trunk itself...and should there be torrential rains and wildly gusting winds, this could find its way right through my window.
It was so interesting to watch. They worked very hard and not a movement was wasted. They were in complete control of the situation.
Then I remembered my camera sitting on top of my desk...so this is what I got through the window. The black bar is part of my window and I captured it.
We pay high maintenance here...but it's well worth it. We're protected! In the meantime, I've stocked up on everything so that I could live a month without leaving.
I've been through one hurricane and I've learned. It's the darkness I despise most of all. When it was pitch black, I'd sing ....
'hello darkness my old friend...I've come to be with you again.
Then I'd go into a troubled sleep...but the very next morning...the sun was brightly shining...and all was right with the world.
Kevin and Cheryl
Once a year our pool is visited by two
really nice people...who come from
far north...Massachusetts. We look so forward to their visit because they're very interesting and funny people.
Kevin is a teacher and writes books and spends a great deal of time at the library.
Cheryl is such a pleasure...always laughing...what a sense of humor.
This is what makes our pool so exciting.
really nice people...who come from
far north...Massachusetts. We look so forward to their visit because they're very interesting and funny people.
Kevin is a teacher and writes books and spends a great deal of time at the library.
Cheryl is such a pleasure...always laughing...what a sense of humor.
This is what makes our pool so exciting.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Our starter-up home but we stayed over 30 years!
Well, it appears Jeff had a different idea. He wanted his crib in our room, just like it was in our little apartment.
He screamed and screamed ...and then wanted to join us in bed.
Every day I carried him and said this is Jeffy's room...all yours. Your toys are here. We have our room--you have yours.
He still cried for a month. Then Dr. Spock said you just have to let him cry...and don't give in...and finally after 4 days we had peace in the house and the bed to ourselves.
That is, until he learned to crawl out of his crib and he would go to Allen's side to get in and he was never refused.There were many times that I ended up sleeping in the crib because I couldn't sleep 3 in a double bed. Triple beds were rare in those days and it never even entered our minds.
Anyway we had big retaining walls in our driveway and in the back to hold back the 2nd terrace. The street above us was being excavated...and every night after dinner, the 3 of us would go to gather big rocks. To this day the wall is still standing.....a labor of love
.Retirement came and everyone said maybe I could buy Allen an extra couple years down in florida. No more urging...I wanted my husband to live....so we moved....and here I am.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Julie Childs

Meryl Streep did an excellent job playing her, even was able to capture her annoying voice...sounding a bit like Eleanor Roosevelt. Julie sounded like she had a mouthful of marbles.
..There was lots of chopping, cutting, slicing....grilling...steaming...boiling...and lots and lots of butter... a cardiologist's dream!
It was about 7 when we left the theatre...and you'd think our appetites would have been percolating for something deliciousoso....but no....we went to Boston Market which is just a step or two above McDonald's..
After watching all that gourmet cooking, one would think that we would go to a classier place...but I guess Ruth and I are just simple folk.
. A very sweet young man held the door open for us...and we thanked him for being such a nice young gentlemen.
We made our way to the line where all the food is visible and everything looked really appetizing.
Ruth and I both opted for the meatloaf which looked so good it could have been a filet mignon. ....and we were like kids looking through the glass counter of a candy shop for all the tubs of wonderful side dishes. Such a decision!!!
Anyway..now to pay our checks. Ruth gave me a coupon which took $1.00 off an already inexpensive meal.
Standing directly behind us was the boy who was such a gentlemen with his mom...and we saw she was ordering bundles of food like for a very large family.
We asked if she could use our extra coupon...and she was so delighted...it meant $5.00 off her bill.
Ruth and I gobbled our food hungrily and happy. Our bellies were full and so were our hearts!
We enjoyed our dinner...and also the fact that one good deed deserves another.
We were just ships that pass in the night...but we felt great!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Meet Maiia, financial advisor!
My dear friends,
It is with the greatest pleasure that I am announcing thatyesterday at 11.30 am in Oakland Park, FL the biggest dream of my lifefinally came true. On this day together with 177
other people and their families from 44 different countries of the worldI FINALLY BECAME AN AMERICANCITIZEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE
For those of you who have not known me for a long time it isimportant to mention that it took me 10 years from the moment I got tothis country in June of 1999 to finally become one of you. It tookcountless applications and procedures and thousands of dollars topetition for my citizenship, nothing that I would ever wish upon anybodyto go through. But it was all worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyminute of it, every dollar, every tear at the immigration office, everyday of waiting for all these approvals to work, to travel, to breathefreely in this country, because there is no country like this one,anywhere!!!!! Of course, this is my opinion and you do not have toagree, but some people realize how lucky they are to be born here andthey will understand my plea. This country gave me everything and itkeeps giving me the opportunity to take care of my family in Russia whoare not as lucky as I am. But I am lucky and I would like to celebrateit and I would like you to celebrate with me!!!!!!!!!!
PS. I cannot stop crying for 2 days now, I am so happy.
I am proud to be an American and God Bless this country!
The enclosed summary, prices, quotes and/or statistics contained hereinhave been obtained from sources believed reliable but are notnecessarily complete and cannot be guaranteed, errors and omissionsaccepted.
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLCMaiia HartFinancial AdvisorFinancial Planning Specialist350 E. Las Olas Blvd., Suite 1200Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301954-762-3064 direct line800-327-8323 ext. 3064954-762-3069 faxmaiia.hart@smithbarney.complease visit my websitehttp://fa.smithbarney.com/maiiahart/
It is with the greatest pleasure that I am announcing thatyesterday at 11.30 am in Oakland Park, FL the biggest dream of my lifefinally came true. On this day together with 177
other people and their families from 44 different countries of the worldI FINALLY BECAME AN AMERICANCITIZEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE
For those of you who have not known me for a long time it isimportant to mention that it took me 10 years from the moment I got tothis country in June of 1999 to finally become one of you. It tookcountless applications and procedures and thousands of dollars topetition for my citizenship, nothing that I would ever wish upon anybodyto go through. But it was all worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyminute of it, every dollar, every tear at the immigration office, everyday of waiting for all these approvals to work, to travel, to breathefreely in this country, because there is no country like this one,anywhere!!!!! Of course, this is my opinion and you do not have toagree, but some people realize how lucky they are to be born here andthey will understand my plea. This country gave me everything and itkeeps giving me the opportunity to take care of my family in Russia whoare not as lucky as I am. But I am lucky and I would like to celebrateit and I would like you to celebrate with me!!!!!!!!!!
PS. I cannot stop crying for 2 days now, I am so happy.
I am proud to be an American and God Bless this country!
The enclosed summary, prices, quotes and/or statistics contained hereinhave been obtained from sources believed reliable but are notnecessarily complete and cannot be guaranteed, errors and omissionsaccepted.
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLCMaiia HartFinancial AdvisorFinancial Planning Specialist350 E. Las Olas Blvd., Suite 1200Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301954-762-3064 direct line800-327-8323 ext. 3064954-762-3069 faxmaiia.hart@smithbarney.complease visit my websitehttp://fa.smithbarney.com/maiiahart/

Saturday, August 15, 2009
I can't believe I did this!
This afternoon I was thinking about tennis...that is the sport I truly love..and used to play. Jeff did too..he was on the tennis team.
My thoughts were of playing tennis with my first boyfriend...we were 13 and this continued until we were 16.
He would wait for me on Saturday afternoons when we went to visit my Grandmother in Oakland, Pittsburgh.
We played on a big cement slab...we never had a net...we used the line separating the cement...and we only had wooden racquets.
His name was Harry Schwalb and he was kind of a special boy...he painted...and he would design clothes for skinny me then. He didn't think I was too thin...just that the world was too fat.
Harry was brilliant and went to Penn State at 16. He invited me to go to his college prom...but it was a very sad year for me...My Mom died!
Anyway...to bring up the present...I thought of him today and looked him up on the internet...and since he was the same age as me, I decided to give him a call.
He remembered....and he was astonished. With all his brilliance..he's written books...his work is in art galleries...he doesn't own a computer. He asked me should he buy a desktop or laptop.
I was amazed...he writes everything out in longhand.
Anyway...it was a good renewal...and I think he was very thrilled that I remembered his entire family...and the way it was!
My thoughts were of playing tennis with my first boyfriend...we were 13 and this continued until we were 16.
He would wait for me on Saturday afternoons when we went to visit my Grandmother in Oakland, Pittsburgh.
We played on a big cement slab...we never had a net...we used the line separating the cement...and we only had wooden racquets.
His name was Harry Schwalb and he was kind of a special boy...he painted...and he would design clothes for skinny me then. He didn't think I was too thin...just that the world was too fat.
Harry was brilliant and went to Penn State at 16. He invited me to go to his college prom...but it was a very sad year for me...My Mom died!
Anyway...to bring up the present...I thought of him today and looked him up on the internet...and since he was the same age as me, I decided to give him a call.
He remembered....and he was astonished. With all his brilliance..he's written books...his work is in art galleries...he doesn't own a computer. He asked me should he buy a desktop or laptop.
I was amazed...he writes everything out in longhand.
Anyway...it was a good renewal...and I think he was very thrilled that I remembered his entire family...and the way it was!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Meet my friends the Siegels!
The guy at the left of this picture is my friend's son whom I have loved since before he was even born. His name is Gary and his beautiful wife is Sue...and with them are their sons Alex and Arthur.
I've always been very proud of Gary....he started out working in the advertising dept. of Leader Newspapers....now he is way up there ... and he's worked very hard to get there.
I saw this lovely family 2 years ago when I went to Virginia to visit my kids...and Gary and his family drove from Murraysville, Pa. to see me.
How I appreciated that. Sue is a nurse and she and Gary fell in love in New Kensington, Pa....and Gary and Sue married when he was being transferred to another state.
Gary is a great sports enthusiast...and almost before he could read, he grabbed the sports page of the newspaper. When he speaks, his voice is so enthusiastic that it makes me feel happy.
I knew nothing about autism until I saw them in Va. and I marvel how well they cope and know exactly how to deal with their very handsome older son. Since then I listen and read everything I can about this dreadful disease and hope that soon a cure will be found. He's very high functioning and extremely bright and please God, the scientists will find out what causes one out of every 150 children to be born with this.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Don't know what made me do it!
I was talking to my friend Virginia and she was telling me that she got in touch with some of her former schoolmates online...and how much she enjoyed their get-to-gethers and reminiscing.
Well, I can't do that because most of my peers are not on a computer. So I thought and thought who do I want to call. I finally picked a girl (woman) that I started school with and graduated with.
I went to my white pages on the computer and typed in New Kensington, Pa...and there was her number in front of my eyes.
I gave no thought about what we would talk about. She answered and I started the conversation with this is a voice from way out of your past.
This is Hilda Goldsmith....and she screamed...Hilda...how are you....and then we talked for an hour and a half.
We even recited poetry together that we had learned in 7th grade.
It was a wonderful visit....I think I made myself and her happy....and it was almost like the many years hadn't passed all that long ago.
We recalled our families...and how it all was...and that we did get a good education after all.
So...thanks Virginia.
Well, I can't do that because most of my peers are not on a computer. So I thought and thought who do I want to call. I finally picked a girl (woman) that I started school with and graduated with.
I went to my white pages on the computer and typed in New Kensington, Pa...and there was her number in front of my eyes.
I gave no thought about what we would talk about. She answered and I started the conversation with this is a voice from way out of your past.
This is Hilda Goldsmith....and she screamed...Hilda...how are you....and then we talked for an hour and a half.
We even recited poetry together that we had learned in 7th grade.
It was a wonderful visit....I think I made myself and her happy....and it was almost like the many years hadn't passed all that long ago.
We recalled our families...and how it all was...and that we did get a good education after all.
So...thanks Virginia.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I've Become Very Lazy!
WMy good friend Virginia has reminded me that it's time for a new blog and I have so many thoughts reverberating in my ancient brain that I really don't know what my fingers are going to write about.
So...here goes!
I take such delight every week hearing and seeing Jeff and Donna's dogs. Now they'll never say their dogs are naughty ... they'll say it's all their fault.
So last Sunday when we were speaking Jeff showed me on the webcam a little gadget that he put together and he taught Bandit 4 tricks with it...and I don't know who was prouder...the dog or its owners.
Their beagle dogs are hunters so they dig lots of ditches in the backyard and Jeff had to go to Home Depot to buy dirt...so Donna could fill up all the holes ...now they can mow the lawn without fear of falling.
Jeff and Donna try to let me into their lives by explaining how everything works.....and I am constantly amazed.
We went to the Kennedy Space Center when they were here....and I imagine in another hundred years, this will all seem primitive to the folks who go to the museum.
In a way going to the moon has taken some of the romance away from this Lunar...because now we know it's just barren rock. However, what they do with their 'findings' is very interesting.
I don't know what the people who use cell phones in their daily lives would do without this handy little gadget....but thanks to space we have it.
But anyway, I don't recall that I heard any new songs about the romance of the moon.....so will they write new songs about Mars...and not the chocolate one.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I just can't get over it!
I'm sitting on the cusp of a birthday that will put me in the middle 80's...and I can't bear it...or believe it.
Always living in the present, all my events seemed to be frozen in time. Not being able to imagine Jeff or Paul being men.
Not to be able to acknowledge that I've been living without Allen for 20 long lonely years. Actually truth be told, I've been sequesered in the Peter Pan Syndrome....never wanting to grow up.
My Mother used to sing a song to me...Toyland...toyland...dear little girl and boy land...once you pass the borders, you can ne're return again.
I listened and believed in those lyrics...they came from my Mother's lips.
Well, I found out that life moves on...it's a constantly learning process...and if we refuse to move...we become stagnant.
Now my kids don't want that to happen...so they get me all this high tech stuff...and my friend Virginia just won't let me sit on my laurels...she insists that I keep my blog up to date.
So...I'm doing what is expected of me.
However, I now know that in my heart of hearts...I'm an old lady.
Somebody who also doesn't want to grow old says that today for some reason...we're 10 years younger that our chronical age.
Can that be????? Anyway...financially last year wasn't a very good year for me and a lot of others.
Fannie Mae tricked me....so did General Motors. Again I believed! I followed my greed and instinct...and it got me naught.
So now...I know that nothing is a sure thing....and we just have to roll with the times.
Speaking of which....Jerry Herman wrote a song....The Best of Times Is Now...and I do believe he is right....in fact, I know so. So..this is my wish!

Cool Graphics
Always living in the present, all my events seemed to be frozen in time. Not being able to imagine Jeff or Paul being men.
Not to be able to acknowledge that I've been living without Allen for 20 long lonely years. Actually truth be told, I've been sequesered in the Peter Pan Syndrome....never wanting to grow up.
My Mother used to sing a song to me...Toyland...toyland...dear little girl and boy land...once you pass the borders, you can ne're return again.
I listened and believed in those lyrics...they came from my Mother's lips.
Well, I found out that life moves on...it's a constantly learning process...and if we refuse to move...we become stagnant.
Now my kids don't want that to happen...so they get me all this high tech stuff...and my friend Virginia just won't let me sit on my laurels...she insists that I keep my blog up to date.
So...I'm doing what is expected of me.
However, I now know that in my heart of hearts...I'm an old lady.
Somebody who also doesn't want to grow old says that today for some reason...we're 10 years younger that our chronical age.
Can that be????? Anyway...financially last year wasn't a very good year for me and a lot of others.
Fannie Mae tricked me....so did General Motors. Again I believed! I followed my greed and instinct...and it got me naught.
So now...I know that nothing is a sure thing....and we just have to roll with the times.
Speaking of which....Jerry Herman wrote a song....The Best of Times Is Now...and I do believe he is right....in fact, I know so. So..this is my wish!
Cool Graphics
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Paul and Barbara know how to live!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
My first library was in a storeroom! written 5 years ago

We had to be very quiet...not speak a single word...or we would have been kicked out!
There were no paperbacks back then...only bound books and they were very precious.
My first document that I personally owned and was responsible for, was my library card. It was sacred. Nothing should happen to it! And if a book was overdue, I felt mortified...like I'd created a crime...all for 2 cents. The librarian took her job very seriously and, if asked, would refer you to a special section.
Besides getting a book for myself, my Mother wanted me to bring her back a novel. I recall asking for Edna Ferber....she's the lady who wrote the book that the musical Showboat was all about.
My Mother was an avid reader and during dinner she would present a book review to us letting us know what it was all about. How interested our little family of 4 was in her presentation. So, not only did we digest the best cooking in the world...and we had entertainment with it.
That was my Mother....and I adored her so much!
Now I go to a big library on Hagen Ranch Road...and what a myriad of books from which to choose....more authors than ever before in history. And most of them are very good...but we can't read everything so we must be select.
Ruth, my friend and next door neighbor, usually brings me back something that is just to my liking...no violence....no C.I.A. stuff...just lots of emotions.
Having a good book to read is such a great feeling.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
As Time Goes On!
Is this what they mean by senior living....a bit scary and depressing!
I've been so lucky...so far! I haven't had to use a crutch, walker or motor chair.
But that isn't too say that I don't feel like an accident waiting to happen...because as I look around me...I see aging......mainly forgetfulness. Do we lose brain cells every day when we reach a certain age. Is it because we're not stimulating ourselves enough....could it be that because we're not productive any longer...we just seem to fade.
However, it's affecting me mentally. It's really getting me down....seeing my friends using equipment to get around. When I go to our pool, there are three walkers lined up by the steps because the owners aren't able to take one step without help.
We have to crawl around in between to make our way to the stairs. And many times, I haven't been able to get down the stairs because ladies are sitting there...maybe they just wanted to get their feet wet. Many conversations are being held right in that spot.
I say...excuse me...excuse me.....and they move their tush's a little bit to let me by.
This is my social life too....but I'm here for ernest exercise which I need desperately. Maybe I'm labeled a 'loner' because I go and do my thing...I splish and I splash...and kick and squat.
As I'm doing all this...I hear various conversations taking place....where they dined last night....what hurts them today....is it going to rain....and then a little gossip about someone.
I'm not imune to gossip...so I head in that area to listen a little harder. Either it's something I've heard before....or something that's unbelievable.
What really bothers me is when I hear someone lost a child. That's not supposed to happen. That is a tragedy...unexplanable.
I love to hear someone child is expecting a baby. That is what life is really all about...procreation.
Anyway, I'm beholden to God for creating my ancestors through the thousands of years...because without them....I wouldn't be! Thank you, God!
I've been so lucky...so far! I haven't had to use a crutch, walker or motor chair.
But that isn't too say that I don't feel like an accident waiting to happen...because as I look around me...I see aging......mainly forgetfulness. Do we lose brain cells every day when we reach a certain age. Is it because we're not stimulating ourselves enough....could it be that because we're not productive any longer...we just seem to fade.
However, it's affecting me mentally. It's really getting me down....seeing my friends using equipment to get around. When I go to our pool, there are three walkers lined up by the steps because the owners aren't able to take one step without help.
We have to crawl around in between to make our way to the stairs. And many times, I haven't been able to get down the stairs because ladies are sitting there...maybe they just wanted to get their feet wet. Many conversations are being held right in that spot.
I say...excuse me...excuse me.....and they move their tush's a little bit to let me by.
This is my social life too....but I'm here for ernest exercise which I need desperately. Maybe I'm labeled a 'loner' because I go and do my thing...I splish and I splash...and kick and squat.
As I'm doing all this...I hear various conversations taking place....where they dined last night....what hurts them today....is it going to rain....and then a little gossip about someone.
I'm not imune to gossip...so I head in that area to listen a little harder. Either it's something I've heard before....or something that's unbelievable.
What really bothers me is when I hear someone lost a child. That's not supposed to happen. That is a tragedy...unexplanable.
I love to hear someone child is expecting a baby. That is what life is really all about...procreation.
Anyway, I'm beholden to God for creating my ancestors through the thousands of years...because without them....I wouldn't be! Thank you, God!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Jeff has one more thing to teach me!
He hopes I won't forget any of his skilled training. I hope that I don't forget either.
Jeff and Donna, both, tried so hard to make my life easier and more entertaining.
I love them so much.
Time to go home!
They will pick up their dogs from doggy hotel and be greeted with lots of doggy kisses...and they'll probably return the greetings.
They love their pets. They also have 3 cats awaiting them.
I loved having them...but all good things go home at eventide.
Arlene after our Seder

Arlene and Bob have 4 sons and I'm sure they remember many seders of yesteryears.
I'm delighted they were my guests because they're charming people and added a real bonus to the evenings.
See you in the pool, Arlene.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
A real working vacation!
Jeff and Donna are together at my computer studying how to make my life easy with a new camera and technology to put the picture into my computer to put into my blog.
How patient they are with me....I'm an old woman and they go back and back again explaining in simple detail how to crop a picture to make it really spectacular for me.
They're leaving tomorrow and they want to be sure I know as much as I can possibly absorb without hurting my brain-power.
They're both still wiped out from last night's seder...and it was a beautiful ceremony .. and they both made it seem like it was no effort at all.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Donna's slaving while I'm playing!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Passover 09

It's the middle of March and I just came from a Ladies Seder sponsored by Brandeis and conducted by Miriam Aaron, who is so capable.
I happened to be sitting next to Ronnie Weber who is very interesting.
On my other side was Donna who is Beverly Sills sister-in-law.
When Jeff and Donna visit I set up my table with a white or other nice tablecloth, good dishes, wine, and juice.
. Either one person can lead the seder, reciting each reading and making the blessings, or everyone can take turns.
The directions concerning which fruit to locate and the mix of the wines should be read aloud.
As each piece of fruit and each cup of wine is being considered and blessed, that object is held by the reader. After each blessing, the participants taste the fruit or sip the wine
A large platter is placed in front of the one conducting the Seder. This can be an ordinary platter .
Upon the plates are the following objects:
THREE MATZOS, placed in the three separate sections of a Matzoh Cover, designed by Donna... The following are placed on the table for the participants
THREE MATZOS, placed in the three separate sections of a Matzoh Cover, designed by Donna... The following are placed on the table for the participants
ROASTED SHANKBONE . I use a chicken bone.
One or more dishes of SALT WATER, depending upon the number of participants.
BITTER HERBS, cut into small pieces or ground horseradish.
A WINE GOBLET in front of each place. A large goblet, filled with wine, at the center of the table. This is the CUP OF ELIJAH. Somehow Elijah disappoints me every year...my feelings are started to feel rejection.
CHAROSES, a mixture of nuts, apple and cinnamon, finely chopped and mixed with a little wine. I like this so much I could make a meal on just that.
If desired, for convenience, extra dishes of BITTER HERBS and CHAROSES can be placed on the table.
PARSLEY, LETTUCE, OR WATERCRESS cut into small pieces
A pillow or cushion is placed on the left arm of the chair
Passover reminds us of the Jewish people's journey from slavery to freedom, from despair to hope, from lack of insight into praise for the Divine - the same path as our own personal psychological and spiritual growth.
After the Seder is over, we all join in the singing of crazy songs.
This year I have updated and written my own plagues that exist in the here and now.
I particularly love this Holiday because it has deep meaning for Jeff who recalls his Grandparents special seders over the many years...and he tries very hard to emulate them.Here are my plagues:
Stolen identity
Ponzi schemes
Global Warming
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Meet Rebecca

Rebecca is Abe and Rosalind's granddaughter. They used to live here in High Point....and we are very good friends. They moved to Detroit so that they could watch their grandchildren grow.
Robin and Steve are Rebecca's parents...and she has a brother Jacob.
This is such a loving family and I'm so proud to call them friends.
Rebecca reminds me of the migrant children that I read and do homework with at Hagen Ranch School.
Soooo cute!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Other Years .. other Christmases for Pat and Mike!

Hi again dear readers. I would love to enlarge this picture of Pat and Mike that I dug out of Facebook...but I don't have the know how. Can anyone out there help me.
This picture was taken quite a while ago, but they're still very recognizable and very good looking. Pat is one of my chief readers of my blog and she actually inserts comments. Her comments are better than my writing skills.
They're going to be grandparents again in March...and I wish them much joy!
Meet Nicholas who is their pride and joy. They visit here and Mike and Pat visit Nicholas.
What a nice family!
Meet Ruth Fagan

Saturday, February 14, 2009
What a Beautiful Couple
If you look deep into the eyes of Edie and Bill Hirshhorn, you'll see what I see....kind, giving, wonderful people.
When they first moved to High Point, Edie couldn't understand why I didn't want to line-dance. I just couldn't make her understand that I have two left feet and didn't want to be embarrassed. I didn't want to fail line-dancing.
Edie also ran a Yiddish Club here and gave it her 'all'. She made it very interesting even though she doesn't speak much Yiddish. That went by the wayside when interest waned.
Edie was also our Sunshine Lady for many years...she sent cards to everyone no matter the occassion. She just had to be notified....and it was done!
Bill sings beautifully and joined the choral group at our neighboring High Point and I went to see 3 of his concerts. Enjoyed it so much.
To watch them dance is a real treat...so graceful and they flow to the rhythm of the music....just floating.
Edie and Bill have had some serious health problems the last couple of years, but it hasn't kept them down. ....always smiling!
I just came back from our pool and they were both in the water. ...charming and happy.
Nothing will get them down....and I'm proud to be friends with them.
Stay as sweet as you are....wish we had more people like you.
The picture was furnished by Virginia ...taken on New Year's Eve.

When they first moved to High Point, Edie couldn't understand why I didn't want to line-dance. I just couldn't make her understand that I have two left feet and didn't want to be embarrassed. I didn't want to fail line-dancing.
Edie also ran a Yiddish Club here and gave it her 'all'. She made it very interesting even though she doesn't speak much Yiddish. That went by the wayside when interest waned.
Edie was also our Sunshine Lady for many years...she sent cards to everyone no matter the occassion. She just had to be notified....and it was done!
Bill sings beautifully and joined the choral group at our neighboring High Point and I went to see 3 of his concerts. Enjoyed it so much.
To watch them dance is a real treat...so graceful and they flow to the rhythm of the music....just floating.
Edie and Bill have had some serious health problems the last couple of years, but it hasn't kept them down. ....always smiling!
I just came back from our pool and they were both in the water. ...charming and happy.
Nothing will get them down....and I'm proud to be friends with them.
Stay as sweet as you are....wish we had more people like you.
The picture was furnished by Virginia ...taken on New Year's Eve.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
We Buy Ugly Homes

Was it just about a year and a half ago that we would see billboards all over the highway...we buy ugly houses.
Well, now I would expect a sign to read....we'll even buy beautiful homes for very little money.
But no....these signs are non-existent...because times have changed. Yep. it all started with the housing market.
Everybody'sgreat American dream...homeowner. But who can blame. We all like to have a covering over our heads.
They made it so easy to own a home...no down payment....no nothing...just interest. That sounds so great.
But now our country is in doldrums. Banks have run out of operating capital...and they're not really interested in owning homes..that's not their business.
Maybe if I was young and had some available cash...I would fall for some of these schemes....but I'm too old to even consider for a second.
Obama has surrounded himself with some of the best heads in the country.
Can they come up with a solution...or do they know just as much as you and I.
I'm glad I own my little villa here in High Point...I have no debt. Thank G0d.
I pray every night that the unemployed with find jobs...that's so humiliating...and frustrating...and makes a person lose confidence in himself.
I would like to set the calendar back to the 90's when technology doubled and tripled our portfolios.
I guess just plain old greed got in the way...and I'm part of it. What would really make my day is to see a giant billboard.....WE buy Ugly Houses. I often wondered what an ugly house is...was the kitchen where the bathroom should be...were the stairs in the wrong place leading to nowhere. Did they still have coal burning stoves....did they have ice boxes instead of refrigerator.....rabbit ears on their tv...if they had tv.
Did you have to go thru one room to get to another one. Was it painted bright purple? What could make it so ugly. Anyway...I want to see that billboard one again...and then I'll know that times are stable.
Well, now I would expect a sign to read....we'll even buy beautiful homes for very little money.
But no....these signs are non-existent...because times have changed. Yep. it all started with the housing market.
Everybody'sgreat American dream...homeowner. But who can blame. We all like to have a covering over our heads.
They made it so easy to own a home...no down payment....no nothing...just interest. That sounds so great.
But now our country is in doldrums. Banks have run out of operating capital...and they're not really interested in owning homes..that's not their business.
Maybe if I was young and had some available cash...I would fall for some of these schemes....but I'm too old to even consider for a second.
Obama has surrounded himself with some of the best heads in the country.
Can they come up with a solution...or do they know just as much as you and I.
I'm glad I own my little villa here in High Point...I have no debt. Thank G0d.
I pray every night that the unemployed with find jobs...that's so humiliating...and frustrating...and makes a person lose confidence in himself.
I would like to set the calendar back to the 90's when technology doubled and tripled our portfolios.
I guess just plain old greed got in the way...and I'm part of it. What would really make my day is to see a giant billboard.....WE buy Ugly Houses. I often wondered what an ugly house is...was the kitchen where the bathroom should be...were the stairs in the wrong place leading to nowhere. Did they still have coal burning stoves....did they have ice boxes instead of refrigerator.....rabbit ears on their tv...if they had tv.
Did you have to go thru one room to get to another one. Was it painted bright purple? What could make it so ugly. Anyway...I want to see that billboard one again...and then I'll know that times are stable.