Saturday, August 15, 2009

I can't believe I did this!

This afternoon I was thinking about tennis...that is the sport I truly love..and used to play. Jeff did too..he was on the tennis team.

My thoughts were of playing tennis with my first boyfriend...we were 13 and this continued until we were 16.

He would wait for me on Saturday afternoons when we went to visit my Grandmother in Oakland, Pittsburgh.

We played on a big cement slab...we never had a net...we used the line separating the cement...and we only had wooden racquets.

His name was Harry Schwalb and he was kind of a special boy...he painted...and he would design clothes for skinny me then. He didn't think I was too thin...just that the world was too fat.

Harry was brilliant and went to Penn State at 16. He invited me to go to his college prom...but it was a very sad year for me...My Mom died! bring up the present...I thought of him today and looked him up on the internet...and since he was the same age as me, I decided to give him a call.

He remembered....and he was astonished. With all his brilliance..he's written books...his work is in art galleries...he doesn't own a computer. He asked me should he buy a desktop or laptop.

I was amazed...he writes everything out in longhand. was a good renewal...and I think he was very thrilled that I remembered his entire family...and the way it was!


Anonymous said...

Oh my, what a beautiful story and you are so right..It's so nice to call someone you are thinking about
out of the blue and relive the past. I bet he was surprised and your girlfriend too. That's how it is with me whenever I come back to
N.J. and this reunion we are having
in Sept.My group of friends can pick up like it was 1964 and we are
back in high school again. It's nice isn't it?

virginia said...

like pat, i think this is just a lovely story...and you found him after all these years..isn't it amazing how one phone call can change a day and a life?

I hope you stay in close touch with the people you have found from your early life


Barb-wire said...

Is he single? Will you meet him soon? God for you! You go girl!

Barb-wire said...

woops slip up on the keys...said God for you instead of Good for you...but either works....way to go Hilda! Is this going to be like "When Harry met Hilda?? not Sally......waiting for the next episode....hooray for could teach him a few tricks with the computer too!!!