Wednesday, May 20, 2009

As Time Goes On!

Is this what they mean by senior living....a bit scary and depressing!
I've been so far! I haven't had to use a crutch, walker or motor chair.

But that isn't too say that I don't feel like an accident waiting to happen...because as I look around me...I see aging......mainly forgetfulness. Do we lose brain cells every day when we reach a certain age. Is it because we're not stimulating ourselves enough....could it be that because we're not productive any longer...we just seem to fade.

However, it's affecting me mentally. It's really getting me down....seeing my friends using equipment to get around. When I go to our pool, there are three walkers lined up by the steps because the owners aren't able to take one step without help.

We have to crawl around in between to make our way to the stairs. And many times, I haven't been able to get down the stairs because ladies are sitting there...maybe they just wanted to get their feet wet. Many conversations are being held right in that spot.

I say...excuse me...excuse me.....and they move their tush's a little bit to let me by.

This is my social life too....but I'm here for ernest exercise which I need desperately. Maybe I'm labeled a 'loner' because I go and do my thing...I splish and I splash...and kick and squat.

As I'm doing all this...I hear various conversations taking place....where they dined last night....what hurts them it going to rain....and then a little gossip about someone.

I'm not imune to I head in that area to listen a little harder. Either it's something I've heard before....or something that's unbelievable.

What really bothers me is when I hear someone lost a child. That's not supposed to happen. That is a tragedy...unexplanable.

I love to hear someone child is expecting a baby. That is what life is really all about...procreation.

Anyway, I'm beholden to God for creating my ancestors through the thousands of years...because without them....I wouldn't be! Thank you, God!


Anonymous said...

You're back!! good I missed your thoughts. I know what you mean, since we moved here, so many people have passed away. It can get depressing. We have to move on and keep ourselves going. All we can do is hope for our health to keep us strong and keep active. I think that's the main thing keeping active, although there's little here lately to be active about. How I wish we really had our
social "club" back. But that's a long shot since we can't even get people to run for our board, how on
earth could we get people to run for a social board. I wish the "leaders" around here would take a page from history and give their position up...It's time for a
new beginning!!!

\My life today said...

Thanks, wanna head something. I'll be glad to be a 'worker'. Make phone calls..anything!

Barb-wire said...

WOW! Inspirational, insightful, but felt when I read this that you were someone viewing things from above...a loner you say? Who has 10 or more people for dinner or from 2 or 3 the group just keeps growing? Who becomes the center of entertainment/food during hurricain season? You do. Just because you are insightful enough to know exercise helps the mind and body does not make you a loner. As far as the activities well people get tired of being the planners and the shakers and movers. Perhaps they have decided to just sit back and do nothing. And, so the women's group, the entertainment that once was is now a thing of the past as is their energy level. I guess things change and people grow older and more tired. I saw my dad lose his zest for life after retirement because he had no hobbies and just liked crossword puzzles and sports on tv. If you want to enjoy the life you have been given then you have to make the most of it. How blessed my parents were not to have cancer or horrific pain as they grew old. How lucky I feel when you can grow old and see your children healthy and happy. Enjoy every minute you have and don't dispair on others that complain about what ails them....just enjoy and be happy for those wonderful golden years some people are never blessed to have. I have a I know its been a bucket list. I want to see places and do as much as I can while on this earth. Swim, laugh and enjoy those little children you love so much.