Ryan, is my creative nephew, who loves drumming and guitar, skiing, traveling and now painting.
His lovely wife Daniela is studying medicine and will soon be a full-fledged doctor.
Through the years I've watched Ryan become who he is today and I'm very proud of him. When he was about 8, his father and brother were here in Fl. planning to go golfing. They didn't want to take Ryan because at that time he was just a little boy and he carried on. Paul said he couldn't come because they had a dress code.
The next morning when I found Ryan on the phone asking about their dress code...and there was none...and Ryan went. I was so amused by this episode. He checked it out all by himself.
Another time I gave Ryan $100 to buy anything he wanted. I asked what he used the money for and he said C.D's. I was so proud of him. I didn't know at the time that there was anything but certificates of Deposit. Another funny time.
I'm proud of his brother Eric too. Eric is busy right now watching his baby son grow.
I love my family.
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