Friday, July 5, 2013

God's little creatures

I haven't had an outside job for many years, and I'm not complaining.   I kind of like to go to bed late and sleep late in the mornings.

But I have a problem with my trash.  I used to put it our the night before these kind souls would pick up my garbage.   But now, I have competiton, God's little ground hogs, and they're very curious creatures to see what's in these big black plastic bags.  They have sharp little teeth and they just tear it open and make a mess all over the street.

So, now my whole routine has changed twice a week.   I have to set my alarm to  put our my trash, the day of...which means I have to set off my alarm.

This has changed my whole lifestyle.   What to do!  What to !

I'm an unhappy camper............

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