Wednesday, November 28, 2012

President Obama sent me an email...he needs my help!

Today I  received an e mail from President Obama.   He's desperate.   Congress will not listen to him.

That's a terrible thing....seems to be there should be an arbitration.

write them an email, post it on their Facebook walls.

If Congress fails to act before the end of the year, every American family’s taxes will automatically  see their taxes rise $2,200 starting in 2013. Standing with middle-class families at the White House today, President Obama called on all Americans to speak out:.
So today, I’m asking Congress to listen to the people who sent us here to serve. I’m asking Americans all across the country to make your voice heard. Tell members of Congress what a $2,000 tax hike would mean to you. Call your members of Congress, write them an email, post it on their Facebook walls. You can tweet it using the hashtag #My2K.


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