Friday, August 31, 2007

Meet my Teachers!

This is Jeff and Donna, not only my kids, but the ones who taught me to use this.

While Jeff and I were at the pool, Donna would be preparing things that I needed to have inserted so that I would know what to do when they typing an evelope in a computer...or putting a graphic in my many things.

When we returned, after lunch, Jeff would sit me down in this chair, and instruct over and over again...what a desktop to use each of the to do everything that I needed to know at that time.

When they visit again..I'll be eagerly awaiting more lessons. Thanks Jeff and Donna!
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Anonymous said...

So Maybe I should come over and sit
with you and you can show me things
that I can't do? I really never took the time to learn how to "attach" pictures etc. My how far you have come from web tv, right? I am proud of you!!!

\My life today said...

Pat dear, I never know why you don't just sign your name. You write beautifully and you're giving me credit for a lot more than I deserve.

However, had my Daughter lived, I would not have minded at all, if she were like you. You are special, you know...very caring!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Hilda,

You have great teachers, and you're a wonderful student -- always positive, always inquiring, always finding unexpected answers! I'm sending my love from Maryland, to you and to Jeff and Donna.


\My life today said...
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\My life today said...

Amber dear,

How thrilling it is to know that you read my blog.

You ..the writer, the poet, in our family with all the degrees after your name, and who teaches at the me praise.

I accept gladly and I want you to know that I read your published poetry and it was extremely different and interesting.
Just know that you're thought about very frequently and in a wonderful way.