I had no idea
I had no idea that adopting a pet from Animal Shelter entailed such scrupulous researching. You must make application for a pet and then if they think you're a good candidate, they come and interview you and inspect your home and yard.
I guess if you fail this exam you don't get a pet. But luckily Jeff and Donna passed with flying colors...and the day finally arrived for them to meet with 60 beagles to see which one they would really bond with.
Well, you see Lucy's picture and she is now a member of the family.
I love a beagles sad eyes...like begging you to love them.
I know in my heart of hearts that Lucy has found a wonderful home with my grownup children...and many wonderful hours will be spent bonding with Lucy and training her.
That is a tremendous job that requires tons of patience but she looks intelligent....so, Jeff and Donna, have fun
1 comment:
Oh, what an adorable dog...I know
they will be very happy with "her".
We adopted a dog from North Shore
Animal League (on Long Island, N.Y)
She was part husky, part shepherd.
A beauty..all white. She had the
shepherd face and the husky body.
No blue eyes though..She loved PA.
I do miss her. She knew when I didn't feel well and would lay by
my side all day. She was wonderful
with children of all ages. It's so
much nicer to "rescue" a dog than
buy it from a pet store. Losing
her was like losing a child. She
developed stomach cancer and we
had to put her down. I cried like
a baby that day. I had her cremated and have her ashes. I may
scatter them in Pa. on my next visit.
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