The Man In My Life-Henry!
After reading my heading, anyone who knows me is really curious by now. Is Hilda leading a double life.
Fact is Henry is my constant companion who speaks to me, and he's very controlling. He tells me where to go and I'm under his spell, so I take direction from him.
He's a friendly enough fellow until you get him riled up and he has to recalculate.
Okay, enough cutsy stuff. Henry's my GPS that I carry in my car because I'm directionally-challenged.
Only thing is, whenever I go out, my friends always want to do the driving. First thing when we move from A Court to Nesting Way, his distinctive voice is bossing us whether to go left or right.
My friends, for some eerie reason, always do the opposite of what he tells them to...and we're off to a bad start.
When we get on to Military Trail, his agitated voice is still whining that we're to turn around...going the incorrect way.
Now, if I were behind the wheel, I would obey him. I try to tell my driver friend that she should really give Henry a chance to prove himself but to no avail.
My friends have minds of their own....so does Henry! I'm the only one who doesn't.
I have yet to venture out into the world with just my little robot friend and listen intently to what he has to say. Ruth and I were going to Two Jays a deli for dinner. It's very new so it hasn't even been entered into Henry brain cells. When I programmed the directional, I had no address so I just put in Congress and Old Boynton Beach. Well, when it finally realized we weren't following a word...it just gave up.
It uttered in a quarulous tone...fine any place you want to park and drive safely. Then it shut down! Nothing more heard! Rejected! I felt so badly that I stuffed him in my purse to hide and sulk!
If I get lost...it's not my fault. It's all on his shoulders...and I'll think..so much for technology. Not my problem.
1 comment:
good to see you blogging again!
As you know, I too have experienced the wraith of Henry. Your description of him was right on the mark. He DOES like things his way. This goes to show that women are really much more flexible than that "other sex".
You hang in there, friend Hilda..have patience, you will get him trained!
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