These are my thoughts, during average days of my life. They're probably not of any interest to anyone other than my dear friends, my children, my nephews, grandnephews, and other people who have passed through my life.
This was written awhile ago....but it's the anniversary!!

And the Yartseit Candle is lit once again dear Allen!
In Loving Memory!
Allen dear, I recall with the tenderest of thoughts our good life together....and the way it was!
As the Yartseit Candle burns down,,, The flame triggers millions of loving memories!
The candle in the kitchen flickers and dims!
Yes, I lost my best friend.
Feb. 28, l990.
I wish he could come back back for just a little while so we could tell him how much we miss him....and love him...but maybe he knows that.
For ten years , a decade, I have lived alone........but my husband is never far from my memories and thoughts....because we shared a life together...children together....although we lost our baby girl to Tay -Sachs disease.
We had 4l years together...most of them happy....some sadness....but that's what living is all about. He was a good kind person who cherished his family..
I look at his picture...and he's smiling at me.
I have the advantage of choosing any image.... making him any age on my he's always smiling at me ... 29 years old....and we were newly married.....and our married life was just beginning.
This generation may look at him as controlling. Not me....he just cared so very much about everything I did and thought....and he took such a big interest in my life....and this I adored.....
He even liked to go food and clothes shopping with me....helping me 'pick out'.....and it was fun!
He helped me make decisions!
George Gershwin wrote a song about this..."Someone to Watch Over Me".....and how fortunate I was to find someone to do just make me feel so special..
The Jewish religion has us remember our loved ones on the anniversary of their I follow tradition...because it's ritual........but I really believe in my heart that it should be lit on our loved ones 'birth date' life!.
So....on this solemn occasion.....Jeff and I recall with loving memories this very important person in our lives....who lived according to the Rules.
May Your Soul Rest In Peace Dear Allen....Amen!
And these touching words came from Jeff.
I REALLY liked your last webpage. I can't speak very eloquently about it, but it moved me deeply. Was it a "cathartic" experience for you at all?
And these wonderful words from Paul and Barbara,
Hi Aunt Hilda,
Its so hard to believe its been 10 years but when someone is always in your heart you don't think about time.You wrote a beautiful tribute to Uncle Allen and the life you shared together. He played such an important role in your life and Jeff's as well as ours. I wish Donna could have gotten to know him. It would have been so special. I loved how he took an interest in you and everyone and how he loved to make sure everyone was happy (like you). I still hear him each evening saying. H can I get you something? Waiting on you or anyone gave him such happy he was to be in Florida....he was so kind.....thats why you stayed together....your kindness...your gentle you loved children.....and all your love just lives on in Jeff and whether its a Yartseit candle we light once a year...its the fact that its not just once a year we think of him, but always...he is always in our heart.
Thank you for sharing your tribute.
bb and bo bo
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And this from my sweet friend Elaine who very recently lost her beloeved hsband.
Dear Hilda, Thank you, thank you for sharing the most beautiful letters I have ever read. You certainly write with so much feeling, I felt as if I could have written your letter to my beloved Bill. I know you are truly a sentimental & compassionate person, and I admire you for being the "lady" you are. I feel fortunate to have met your wonderful Alan, & I know how much he must have loved & admired you too. Hilda dear, may you always remember the good times, good memories and happiness that you & Alan shared. I'm sure he was a Prince among men. Much love, Elaine
Thank you again for another wonderful piece of prose. What lovely beautiful memories you were left with to sustain you.
I hope you have not denied yourself the pleasures that you should enjoy, because your Allan would not approve of that. If you really thought about that, put him in
your place and would you want him to miss out on what is there for him to enjoy.
You have a lot of years ahead of you. Make a few adjustments and try to bring a new beginning into your life as a continuation of the good and happy life you had before.
Thank you for my new lesson. We are leaving right now to go the Morse Geriatric Home as a Volenteers. Will work on it later.
Dear Hilda, I want you to know that I expressed myself the way I did because I consider myself a good friend of yours.
nd from my dear friend Ethel....
That is just beautiful!!!
I'm sorry that Mert and Alan didn't know each other --- I think they
would have liked each other very much ---
I don't get lumps in my throat very often - but you did it, m'dear.
Thank you for sharing.
Glad to know ya... Love you...
And from my wonderful friends Ruth and Sy..who mean so very much to me! (RuthandSyFagan) Date: Sun, Feb 20, 2000, 11:06pm To: (Hilda Gordon) Subject: Re: And the Yartseit Candle is lit once again!
I'm overwhelmed. What a beautiful tribute. No wonder the comediens didn't make you laugh.
1 comment:
this would be a better world if we all could have found what you and he had together
i regret that i never knew you as a couple so i could see what a good relationship really was
thank you for sharing this with me who (as you well know) has lost my faith in these kinds of things