Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm Not Trying To Hang Myself!

My grownup kids, God Bless Them are trying to keep me alert and healthy.

And I do truly appreciate their efforts. I'm supposedly invincible like an everready battery that  keeps going on and ON.

I'm ashamed to admit to them that without them I couldn't do any thing.

For instance..Jeff and Donna installed this pulley on my door to strengthen MY SHOULDERS, ARMS AND hands and i'm to do THIS 4 TIMES A DAY 30 TIMES AT A SHOT. One arm goes down while the other arm pulls way up. Hopefully it will help my arthritis.

The Burger's got me a Digital Reader and I'm trying to load free books from our library...and so far I'm very frustrated because when I go to download a book...nothing happens. I don't like giving in...I want them to think I can do it all by myself.

I don't believe Jeff and Donna can HELP me since they don't own a reader.

This blog was written late Saturday nite.   Every Sunday morning, Jeff, Donna and I use the webcam.

This morning I explained my lack of being able to download free books from the Palm Beach Library.

They understood.  Not only did they virtually go into my Palm Beach Library, but they were able to install the library books I had ordered  into my Sony Reader.

These are    14 day in that length of time, these books will just disppear from my Reader.

MAGIC !!!!!!

I love my family so much...because they really seem to care about this little old lady.

I thank God for them and I'm really trying hard to keep up with this digital world.

I guess first I'll have to learn to read instructions. I'm not complaining...honestly. I'm grateful!... and now it's 

really time for me to get back to my bedroom door and tug at those ropes...up down...down...up...and away we go!

1 comment:

virginia said...

this was a wonderful "read"
really are so blessed, miss hilda.

your family is ever present in your life with wonderful gifts to make your life easier.

everyone should have a "jeff and donna" to fix, update, download, add to, and undo their computer problems...they make it look so very easy

i love your rope and pully exerciser - do it as best as you can and it will really help

now you need an exercise outfit complete with headband and a towel around your neck - to use it!! lol lol lol

love your blogs, they don't come fast enough