Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I finally found something that I'd like to pass on to my readers.   Although, we don't even have to look anymore...just about everything is made in China...which is not a compliment to our country.  They're so up on everything and I don't know how that came to pass.   They used to be fenced in by their great wall...but guess what...they're very smart people and enterprising...and they've really come out of their closet so to speak.   They're now even encouraging their citizens to have more than one child.  I found this to be very interesting...and we should know it.

Know Your Barcodes:  

Even though the FDA is finally addressing the possible introduction of Melamine laced dairy into the US market from China, there is still no legislation forcing manufacturers to clearly disclose where products are made. Thankfully, consumers are no longer “buying blind.” There is one way to determine the originating country of a particular item – the barcode.

The next time you are are wondering where a product is made, check out the first three numbers of the barcode. If the digits are 690-695, then it is made in China. 
Now we know and it's affecting our health....so .. forewarned !!!

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