Wednesday, April 15, 2020

thoughts from hilda

It was a trying time in our early history when Thomas Paine wrote "These are the times that try men's souls.   He said it exactly right for our world today.

He applied it to the Revolutionary War but we'll apply it to the virus that's striking every conceivable place on our planet.

Number 45 president thinks it's going to be over soon and even first graders know that it's going to be a very long time.   If we take a cake out of the oven to soon, it's unedible.  If we relax our rules today we'll have another big episode.   

I'm very old now but I worry about my children and their children's offspring and how their lives will be affected.

My son Jeff said that everything will go back into place once we're over this hurdle..but I don't know.

Health comes first and then money.   I see my savings spiral downward the same as everybody's and

I think to myself that it took me a lifetime to save this and to live in luxury at Marion Woods Residential Living and leaving some for my children.

But I'm not complaining...I'm grateful for everything I have.

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