Friday, October 5, 2018

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A time for Introspection !

Jewish people all over the world celebrate these High Holidays, Our Days of Awe, and we seriously

try to correct our bad habits that we've developed over the years, and try to discipline ourselves into becoming better human beings.

 So...I'm thinking !    I'm considered an old lady now, although somehow they've changed the pattern and this age is considered about 10 years younger.   I haven't discussed this with an actuary, so I don't know how accurate this is.

I'm trying to figure out what I've accomplished in my life...or if I've rubbed off on anyone to make a difference in their life.    And the answer is plain and simple.....NOT REALLY.

I went to a funeral the other day and one of the mourners stood up and spoke...and it appears that the main things in this man's life was he loved to gamble...and he liked soup....but according to his kids, this  made him a great man.

Would Nixon be considered a superior human being, although he had that one big blemish on his record. 

Could be that we're all flawed and that's what makes us human!

I think maybe we're important only to ourselves and we're all held accountable for every deed.

So...I'll just live with  those thoughts...and  maybe try a little harder.

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