hildag3@gmail.com...tomorrow you will be one day older than you are today. Make the most of it!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Virginia looks so thoughtful!
A good way to host a party in your home is to order salads from Wendy's. They're delicious....reasonable...and easy to serve...right in their own containers.and so easy to clean up after.
Ordered them from Wendy's the day before...and they had them all ready. However, I didn't use their plastic utensils. I used my stainless forks and knives. It looks like we're all boozing it up...but not true. I got bottles of green tea for everyone...I want my friends to be healthy.
The reason my friend's picture is here...she helped me with everything...and I couldn't enjoy the lifestyle that I do without Virginia.
She is my source...I call her when I'm in trouble...and I don't wish her any mishap...but I sure wish she would reciprocate when she feels the need.
Recently she invited me to go to the beach with her...and lo and behold, I fell on the way down...and embarrassingly, I wasn't able to get up. Virginia reached out her small sweet hand to help me, but I wouldn't grab it...to bring her down with me.
Finally two gentlemen came along and each told a hand and I was upright ... like an old piano...but I wasn't feeling good about myself. Where the heck did my balance go???
She also accompanied me when we went to Ryan and Daniela's wedding...and we had to share a big bed. Never went to a Hyatt where they didn't have twin beds..but that's the way it was.
Anyway...I'm sure glad that she moved next door...fate has a way!
Joe captured my northern yearnings!
Joe and Annmarie are very talented people. I've seen a lot of Annmarie's water colors and they absolutely come to life. Their two daughters are very talented also.....one is an artist in New York...and Jo Jo lives in Florida and is an attorney.
I'm very proud of this family because they're what life is all about.....and Joe shows his artistry in his culinary skills. Whatever he cooks just doesn't taste delicious...his presentation is perfection.
At Christmas their home is a wonderland.......running trains...villages with old fashioned people ...lights and sounds everywhere. I didn't know where to look first...and they enjoy watching your face as you watch the goings-on!
Before he left to go up north in the spring, Joe knocks on my door and he has a framed picture of one of his best...and he found a place on my wall that needed something...he also brought a nail to hang it.
Now...everyday, I think of Joe, because I can't enter or leave my house without admiring it.
Thanks nice people!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Kennedy Center in D.C.
Virginia and I picked outselves up and decided to visit Jeff and Donna in Manassas, Va. When my friend V got on the plane, she bowed her head and I could see she was praying for a safe flight. She also took wipes out of her purse and cleaned the dropdown shelf where we get served.
I'm not that clean...and to be honest, it never even occurred to me. We kissed and hugged and headed for their home. It's a beautiful residential street, although V thought the neighbors flowers were plastic.
All I know is that they looked pretty to me. Jeff carried our luggage to the 2nd floor and Donna proceed to get our dinner on the table. We were a tad hungry since our plane was 2 hours late. Jeff and Donna never phoned the airport to ask the time...so they had a long waiting program.
Soon as we got in the house, Jeff took us to the exercise room, and there in a big crate were two exquisite excited dogs to see us...both beagles but enough different so you'd be able to tell one from the other. They couldn't wait for us to see their endless pool in the basement...and we couldn't wait to get in. It was beautiful...and I'm hundred percent sure that it's going to improve the quality of their lives... The water was warm and inviting and they had a full bathroom off the pool in the basement.
This way they can swim summer or winter.
The next day V examined the grounds and knew every planting and tree.
Me, I can't make that statement. My joy was with the dogs. They rested their big heads on my lap and that made me feel sensational.
Next day they took us on a tour to Skyline Drive in the Appalacians...and thru our car window we saw a big black bear. The scenery was beyond magnificent...even tho the leaves hadn't turned yet.
We went out that particular time for Jeff's birthday and he was thrilled.
Virginia sent Omaha steaks and things and she also bought a beautiful birthday care which we all devoured.
We ate out a few time to restaurnts that we dont't have here. Donna also took us to Wegman's which was a real experience to behold.
Jeff and Donna took off work to enjoy our vacation with them. I came home and Virginia went to Tampa to visit a sick friend...although she wasn't feeling all that great herself...allergy or something.
Anyway, it was a fun time and I enjoyed it. Paul, my nephew came over one night and Donna grilled our dinner.
We walked all around and in Kennedy Center. Nothing spectacular was playing but we saw a cute comedy.
So...all's well that ends well....
Friday, November 18, 2011
Virginia visits my kids with me!
When Virginia and I boarded a plane to Washington D.C., Dulles Airport, my kids and V insisted I use a wheel chair...so it was waiting for me when we passed over our boarding passes...and from then on, I was being ushered while my poor friend had to practically run to keep up...and I felt so embarrassed. I could not get used to this at all. I felt like I was in Atlantic City being wheeled by an elderly man in a rickshaw.
Then it's time for our security check...V wore socks so she wouldn't get germs from their floor...stupid me, I never thought of that...and besides I couldn't get through right away because I was buzzing. Yes, I had a metal lipstick tube in my pocket. I felt like an idiot
We arrived our usual 2 hours early and both of us started reading..but I think our attentions were on the people who were coming and going. No recession in this airport. The younger folks waiting all had computers and they were busily working. Others were texting or having breakfast.
We finally went over to Checker's and Virginia said she just had to have their french fries. It was a different kind of meal than I would have eaten at that hour, but I ordered the same thing. Oh were those ever delicious. I nibbled at every crumb...I was right to follow her lead. She said they're famous for that. What do I know???
Bob and Arlene had taken us to the airport and schlepped our baggage out of their trunk of which I was very grateful.
Anyway, finally we boarded first because I had reserved a wheel chair and I feel like I'm cheating because I'm not really handicapped.
Right before we take off I glance over at Virginia and I notice that she's praying...and again I feel guilty, like I'm riding her shirttails...using her prayer to deliver me safely.
Her prayers were definitely answered because not only did we have a safe journey...but a very pleasant one with Jeff and Donna who met us in the airport with great big smiles and lots of hugs.
What better service...I ask you!
Then it's time for our security check...V wore socks so she wouldn't get germs from their floor...stupid me, I never thought of that...and besides I couldn't get through right away because I was buzzing. Yes, I had a metal lipstick tube in my pocket. I felt like an idiot
We arrived our usual 2 hours early and both of us started reading..but I think our attentions were on the people who were coming and going. No recession in this airport. The younger folks waiting all had computers and they were busily working. Others were texting or having breakfast.
We finally went over to Checker's and Virginia said she just had to have their french fries. It was a different kind of meal than I would have eaten at that hour, but I ordered the same thing. Oh were those ever delicious. I nibbled at every crumb...I was right to follow her lead. She said they're famous for that. What do I know???
Bob and Arlene had taken us to the airport and schlepped our baggage out of their trunk of which I was very grateful.
Anyway, finally we boarded first because I had reserved a wheel chair and I feel like I'm cheating because I'm not really handicapped.
Right before we take off I glance over at Virginia and I notice that she's praying...and again I feel guilty, like I'm riding her shirttails...using her prayer to deliver me safely.
Her prayers were definitely answered because not only did we have a safe journey...but a very pleasant one with Jeff and Donna who met us in the airport with great big smiles and lots of hugs.
What better service...I ask you!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
And it's a new day!
I rarely get to watch the miraculous wee hours of the night unfold into daylight, when the sun comes peeking through, very softly, and it's the beginning of another day that our Creator has granted us.
I know this is a poor analogy, but this is how I feel when I first start my computer....very very gradually it lights up. ...into spectacularness!
First I see all the special icons like stars in the sky that my kids have picked for me.. and as I eye each one, it seems to say....pick me, pick me. I'm here to serve you...whatever you desire!
Then I tap Email......and the top of the complete page forms all the information that has been stored there by the magical computer wizard.
With complete wonderment, I watch all this unfold...and oh yes, I mustn't forget, it gives a complete yawn when it's ready...or maybe when it's bored with my choices.
Now it's my turn to see all that has transpired. I'm ready to face a new day. I have my morning cup of java (not the script)...and I'm ready to read my Washington Post......everything that occurred while I was sleeping.
Although in the wee hours of the morning I somtimes hear Jeff take over my puter......checking everything out......and I look at the clock and my heart breaks because I know he's having another sleepless night.
With my computer, I feel connected to the whole world....and that' why it's called www.
Im so grateful that I'm living in this time slot......because I'm never lonely. I recall being so thrilled to go to Office Depot to buy a small wooden desk with a slideout shelf for the keyboard....and then I pounced upon a chair that was adjustable...which is just what I need. Next a mouse pad....and I was in business.
Now it was up to Jeff and Donna to give me 300% patience on how to use the mouse..and the keyboard and the icons....never thought I'd get the hang of it. They explained everything to me...even took it apart so I could see its workings. A really outstanding service is Skype. Bought a little camera and every single week I get to visit with my kids for about 2 hours...they sit in two chairs and we see each other and we talk. Sometimes Bandit, one of their dogs, sits on their laps...and this is a treat too.
You Tube also plays a very important role in my everyday life. Any song that I desire to hear...it's here. I feel so lucky!
Everything they showed me was important...but what stands out most is my blog that they set up for me..and that's been such an outlet of my rememberings...kind of makes my life come together.
And my Hallmark cards that they taught me to make..and I've never bought any since... the receivers of my cards all compliment me.
I musn't forget my little digital camera that I can plug into Picassa photo gallery and store all the pictures of the people I love and the events like weddings...permanent records of their lives.
Didn't realize that I would be this enthusiastic about an inanimate object.
I often wonder if it wasn't for Jeff and Donna...would I still be so interested....and that's a big question....and I don't know the answer!
I know this is a poor analogy, but this is how I feel when I first start my computer....very very gradually it lights up. ...into spectacularness!
First I see all the special icons like stars in the sky that my kids have picked for me.. and as I eye each one, it seems to say....pick me, pick me. I'm here to serve you...whatever you desire!
Then I tap Email......and the top of the complete page forms all the information that has been stored there by the magical computer wizard.
With complete wonderment, I watch all this unfold...and oh yes, I mustn't forget, it gives a complete yawn when it's ready...or maybe when it's bored with my choices.
Now it's my turn to see all that has transpired. I'm ready to face a new day. I have my morning cup of java (not the script)...and I'm ready to read my Washington Post......everything that occurred while I was sleeping.
Although in the wee hours of the morning I somtimes hear Jeff take over my puter......checking everything out......and I look at the clock and my heart breaks because I know he's having another sleepless night.
With my computer, I feel connected to the whole world....and that' why it's called www.
Im so grateful that I'm living in this time slot......because I'm never lonely. I recall being so thrilled to go to Office Depot to buy a small wooden desk with a slideout shelf for the keyboard....and then I pounced upon a chair that was adjustable...which is just what I need. Next a mouse pad....and I was in business.
Now it was up to Jeff and Donna to give me 300% patience on how to use the mouse..and the keyboard and the icons....never thought I'd get the hang of it. They explained everything to me...even took it apart so I could see its workings. A really outstanding service is Skype. Bought a little camera and every single week I get to visit with my kids for about 2 hours...they sit in two chairs and we see each other and we talk. Sometimes Bandit, one of their dogs, sits on their laps...and this is a treat too.
You Tube also plays a very important role in my everyday life. Any song that I desire to hear...it's here. I feel so lucky!
Everything they showed me was important...but what stands out most is my blog that they set up for me..and that's been such an outlet of my rememberings...kind of makes my life come together.
And my Hallmark cards that they taught me to make..and I've never bought any since... the receivers of my cards all compliment me.
I musn't forget my little digital camera that I can plug into Picassa photo gallery and store all the pictures of the people I love and the events like weddings...permanent records of their lives.
Didn't realize that I would be this enthusiastic about an inanimate object.
I often wonder if it wasn't for Jeff and Donna...would I still be so interested....and that's a big question....and I don't know the answer!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
I'm supposed to be in good shape now!
......I've entered a new phase of my life....yep, water therapy for my old acky, and not so agile bones, plus lacking good balance. So, now I'm learning how to climb steps again..and it's not that I didn't have the opportuity...I have a loft. I'm blaming myself because I could have prevented some of this instead of spending so much time on my computer.
I'm old...and I don't know exactly when that came to pass. I used to run instead of walking...I did stairs 2 at a time...and I was never tired.
There are decades in my life that I can't quite account for...there are also some that I wish were frozen in time...so enjoyable they were. Life is good...and we're guests on this planet to enjoy ourselves.
The ones I can't account for...I've blocked from a part of my brain...too terrible to remember...but I've had tons of good years.
And today as I sit at my computer, I cannot get over the fact that every person is accounted for. For instance, I also got fitted for hearing aids a week ago...and the audiologist said I see that you're keeping them in your ears about 17 hours a day...but that you don't go out much.
BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING! Her computer is like a GPS for the hearing impaired.
I explained to her that I watched The Music Man on TV and Shirley Jones didn't sound like the woman I remember. She had a tinny quality to her voice. Is this my new life...hearing voices differently that I recall.
When the wind blows it sounds like a hurricane...sounds are very exaggerated.
Anyway, we've come a long way from the bull horn that folks would put up to their ear and shout....what'd you say? Of course, I'm going way back, even before my time...when you would put a seashell to your ear and hear the ocean roar.
I'll have to go to the beach one of these days and see if I can find such a shell.
But, heck, I don't have to do that. I'm just 4 miles from the Atlantic Ocean...I can just go down there and hear it for myself with my new hearing aids.
And while there, I'll appreciate just observing this enormous body of water and maybe see a sailboat or two..or maybe a gambling ship...just 3 nautical miles from land...and I don't have to lose any money....our government's doing a good job of doing that for me.
I'm old...and I don't know exactly when that came to pass. I used to run instead of walking...I did stairs 2 at a time...and I was never tired.
There are decades in my life that I can't quite account for...there are also some that I wish were frozen in time...so enjoyable they were. Life is good...and we're guests on this planet to enjoy ourselves.
The ones I can't account for...I've blocked from a part of my brain...too terrible to remember...but I've had tons of good years.
And today as I sit at my computer, I cannot get over the fact that every person is accounted for. For instance, I also got fitted for hearing aids a week ago...and the audiologist said I see that you're keeping them in your ears about 17 hours a day...but that you don't go out much.
BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING! Her computer is like a GPS for the hearing impaired.
I explained to her that I watched The Music Man on TV and Shirley Jones didn't sound like the woman I remember. She had a tinny quality to her voice. Is this my new life...hearing voices differently that I recall.
When the wind blows it sounds like a hurricane...sounds are very exaggerated.
Anyway, we've come a long way from the bull horn that folks would put up to their ear and shout....what'd you say? Of course, I'm going way back, even before my time...when you would put a seashell to your ear and hear the ocean roar.
I'll have to go to the beach one of these days and see if I can find such a shell.
But, heck, I don't have to do that. I'm just 4 miles from the Atlantic Ocean...I can just go down there and hear it for myself with my new hearing aids.
And while there, I'll appreciate just observing this enormous body of water and maybe see a sailboat or two..or maybe a gambling ship...just 3 nautical miles from land...and I don't have to lose any money....our government's doing a good job of doing that for me.