As long as there have been mixers, and even before, with hand beaters, children took great pleasure in licking the beater.
I also enjoyed it when Jeff licked the beaters because I knew it was good. He would stand waiting for it to be done...so he could lick.
Now..today...do children still do this. We're told uncooked eggs can cause salmonella poisoning.
Did the scientists that watch over us take that away from our children today...the delight of licking the beaters.
I did it when I was a child...and I can just see the pleasure on my Mother's face. She gave one beater to me and one to my sister.
No one ever got sick from this tongue exercise!
What a pleasurable memory!
HILDA, you have brought back delicious memories. I licked them also, or with one of my children. Yummy!
Next tinme I viist I excpect you to BAKE me a cake ... just so I can lick the batter once again and be taken back in time!
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