Saturday, December 29, 2012

My nephew Paul

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

This letter is from Paul, my nephew!

Thanks for asking about the ride. The Sea Gull Century ride was very nice and not as difficult as in Virginia and Maryland because it was relatively flat. But that means no coasting so you pedal all the time and it can get windy near the ocean. See photos on the web site ( and also click on Ride Details and the PDF route map.

I have a book on long distance cycling and Lance's training book so I was prepared. I used my training data and the Reston metric century (100 km which is 65 miles) data (I rode that in August –-- much more hilly) to predict that I could do the 100 miles in an average of 14 MPH and 10-11 hours elapsed at a cadence average of between 80 and 90 RPM on a flat route with wind. This would keep me aerobic (60-65% to 80-85% of max heart rate) and not cross over to anaerobic heart rate (85% max) which kills the energy level (latic acid "burn" starts at about 85% of max heart rate). I finished with 14.0 MPH average at 10 hours elapsed and 7:08 actual ride time with 85 RPM cadence average. The time difference was in time spent at rest stops every 20-22 miles. Ending energy to spare and an ending sprint! My speed, time and cadence parameters were right on, as planned! Next could be a double metric century (125 miles).

(I just love technical and analytical sports!). (where one doesn't need a lot of strength or coordination).

Mostly a nice ride when we were on small roads through wooded areas. Long flat stretches through farm areas were not so interesting. I did not have time to look for the wild ponies on Assateague (“ass-fatigue”) Island.

Rider stats next in forwarded message.

Posted by Picasa

Paul is my nephew of whom Im very proud. Not only does he enjoy participating in this great sport...but he's keeping healthy by keeping his glucose level where it should be.

To me, Paul is still a boy! But truth to tell, he just celebrated his 60th...and he'll remain young forever because of his outlook on life and the way he exercises. He doesn't want to take he really works at it.

He started training many many months ago for this Bike Century which is 100 miles.

Now to me...I get tired just thinking about it...but I spoke to Paul and he said he could have gone farther without any problem.

Am I proud...or am I proud! Keep up the good work, Paul!

When I started biking, there were no gears...just pedal. We lived on steep hills and if you were of a mind to cycle uphill, you had to stand to give yourself least I did.

Biking was my first independent way of transportation and I was thrilled with it. I was in control...I could just go.

My parents let my sister and I buy a rear-view mirror to mount on our bike, and I think I was so busy glancing in the rear view that sometimes I forgot to look where I was going.

Many times we were daring and rode with our feet on the handlebars.

I think I would have killed Paul or Jeff if I had seen them do this. Also sometimes, we rode 2's. One sat..and the other stood pedaling.
Oh what fun.

Grateful for what is

Monday, April 28, 2008

It was like magic!

When we first moved to our little villa here in Florida, my first big amazement was that the drawers in the kitchen and bathroom didn't just pull out...they were on sliders and they were not just effortless...but they just slid!

Then we bought a bedroom suite, including two night stands, a chest of drawers and a triple dresser....and the beauty was all the wonderful sliding drawers.

To this day, I still find it so fantastic.

In New Kensington, Pa., we had drawers that just pulled in and out but had no gliders......I suppose I should say the next joy was owning a dishwasher. Didn't have one before. Nor did we have a garbage disposal. And to do laundry I had to drag the laundry basket up and down the basement stairs.

Here I just move my body a few steps and my beautiful washer and dryer are waiting for me.

And the first thing in the morning the sunlight would beam in and radiate the living room through the cathedral windows...and it was like a million volt bult lighting our house.

We felt like we were living in a little mansion. This is not to say we didn't have a lovely 'other house', but this is kinda more convenient.

I love my little postage stamp of a house. It's really too big for just me. When I waken, I can't seem to remember that I live here all alone.

You would think time would change this but time is like a kaleidoscope always changing ...and abstracions are a place tetween reality and actuality... for a few seconds I need to remember where everyone is. They're not living here...Just me...

I still feel very fortunate and know that I have a good life!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My Gift

Jeff and Donna sent me a most original gift...a small jar with a lot of different subjects on strips of paper....the reason being that I complained that I've run out of subjects to write about in my blog.

This was done over long months of gathering....and I eagerly opened it and the first slip I took out was..have you ever been in an accident  and tell about it.

Well, yes, the year was about 1965 and Jeff and I were returning from a trumpet lesson that Jeff was taking...and I was so busy telling me how terrible he sounded that I forgot to watch where I was going.  

We had a little Valiant car and we were driving on a very narrow narrow that all the cars were parked halfway on the sidewalk....except one.

Now let me explain....I was a very inexperienced driver at this time....and the Lincoln Continental thathat I bumped into belonged to a Syrian Priest.  Now this was just a few days after the 6-day War and I didn't know how he would handle this.

I was shaking all over...and instead of getting criticism from the priest and his neighbors, I received sympathy...and they were running out to see how they could help me and to give me a glass of water. 

Thank God, neither Jeff or I were injured....but the car sure was.

It was driveable home, but I was too scared.   I phoned Allen from the priest's house and he and Paul, my nephew came.   Paul came to drive my wrecked car.

I'm sure that Jeff recollects this..and it's not one of his fondest memories.

I've grown since...I've become a better driver..but with no sense of direction.

Thank God for the GPS they gave me.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Friday, July 9, 2010

Itsy Bitsy Spider....

When I go into my master bathroom, the first thing I do is look into the tub to see if any of my critters have arrived...and sure enough...there are spiders...small ones and big ones.

They don't seem to have a lot of energy...move very I guess a sheet of kleenex and make a small pouch into a ball and I toss it into the toilet. One day I hadn't flushed after I had urinated and I threw the spider in and felt bad all day.

At least I could have given him clean water to expire was not the human thing to do.

I felt unclean. God did put all these creatures on earth for a purpose...and maybe he cobbles up small bugs. It is a dog eat dog world. I really have to admire the ants...they carry 10 times their weight and they're very hard workers.

Take a queen bee...she has all those workers doing her bidding. I wonder in the bee world if she has a lot of sex appeal...or I should say bee appeal............maybe her honey is sweeter.

I haven't gotten in the lives of love bugs...but they're always together.... I don't know who's on top of whom...I know they don't bother us...their hormones should be raging.

The only bug that I could never ever dispose of is the lady bug....we treat her with respect! After all she is a lady....and is wearing a beautiful red dotted coat.

Perhaps I owned one sometime in my life.

Should we dance

Monday, April 30, 2007

If that's all there is, my friend!

In the 40's Peggy Lee wrote a song "If that's all there is, my friend, if that's all there is...then bring out the booze and let's keep dancing!

This song entered my mind today because a dear friend of mine was going over some things that were part of an estate.

Our kids can't take our can't put 2 houses in 1 house. So what to do with these treasures that lined our wall units and made our houses interesting.

Is this what happens when a house is made barren by deaths and illness.

We collected over the years...and then ....all for naught.

Perhaps Peggy Lee was right. I really don't know!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Today I thought I messed up good!

Donna came to my rescue. I switched to fast access and the man who installed a new modem did something to my frontpage...and my blogs were not to be found.

My 'masterpieces'!!!! Well, not exactly...but some thoughts for an older lady at night.

Anyway, I put on my new that Donna could talk me thru...but it wasn't necessary.

She fixed it on her end. I have guardian I won't worry so much the next time.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

All the would-be Democratic hopefuls for President spoke tonight!

I was really listening tonight to hear what all these 'learned' people had to say about how they'd run our country.

I don't know if I was really listening..or watching them to see the 'beautiful people' and how the rest of the world' would greet them if they were to win.

What was asked of them...and their answers didn't quite jive! And I wondered if this was like going shopping...when the upper part of you takes a different size than the bottom of you.

Like mix and match. No...that wasn't it.

Each of them spoke brilliantly...but if someone asked me who I would chose, I would say...not tonight I have a headache.

So...maybe on the campaign trail, they'll get a little smoother...a little firmer...then we'll re-think this whole thing.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My friend Esty who works so hard for True Sisters!

Esty asked me why I write these blogs. And I explained to her that since my life is sooo interesting, I do this....very good company.

Here's her answer to me:

Don't mention about an exciting life! We all have to find our own place...& do whatever makes us feel good about ourselves. You hit it right, when you discussed not playing cards or mahj jongg...or whatever it is that keeps certain people content...all day long in the clubhouse. Well...that life isn't for ME either. I'd rather read a book than just sit over there playing cards. It seems that's what most of the people here like best...Maybe that's why I'm willing to take the Presidency another keeps my mind (brain) working & I also feel like we're doing things for others, what little it is.
So be it...does any of the above make any sense? Please don't think I'm criticizing those who use the clubhouse for daily recreation...that's their choice. Maybe it's their mentality & that's all they know! (you can laugh now, if you please) Love, Es

Will we be just ships that pass in the night

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

Perhaps that's our Virginia who moved in next door...made herself known to all of us....and then announce that she's going to be leaving.

Inside of me...I definitely don't want her to leave...but there's an old expression that if you love someone you must let them go.

So...selfishly I want her to stay...but I want her to sell her home and be on her make life happy for the future folks who will meet her.

I look for her daily visits...a breath of fresh air...but I want the realtor to do his job too.

I'll treasure our friendship...and golly, we can still email.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Springtime in Florida

It's a pleasure to drive on the cars in front or behind.

They've gone NORTH!

I'm glad because I'm a resident. I would be very unhappy if my husband and I were still in business and dependent on them to make our living.

That was a long time ago...and since I'm rather a timid driver, this suits me just fine.

My car is a 99 and I just managed to get 14,000 miles on it. I guess I'm that preverbial old lady who just drives on Sundays.

Fact is...a lot of my friends don't want me to drive. I park far away from where we're going. It's deliberate...I need the walk.

They're unhappy and I hear complaints. Oh well...I don't have to fill my gas tank up that often.

I make it up by treating for lunch though. I'm not a freeloader.

So, if you see me on the highway, I'll wave to you....but I'll be in the 'passenger seat'.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Ryan keeping vigil for Va. Tech Students

This was a very sad week for America and Students of Virginia Tech.

Ryan is my great nephew and he's in New York but he's with others who feel about this tragedy the same as he.

He's behind the Asian girl...and I'm so glad that he's taking a stand...even with a candle.

I wish our government would take a stand on gun control...or I should say lack of guns.

But they say...guns don't kill people...only people kill people. Not so...maybe if it wasn't so easy for this student to purchase a fun, this tragedy could have been averted.

Please G-d....let this not happen again. Maybe we can all learn from this.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

And we're still conserving water!

New drought rules county-by-countyAssociated Press Posted April 12 2007, 2:42 PM EDT

A county breakdown of outside water-use restrictions for lawns, gardens and car and boat washing:
Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Lee, Collier, Hendry and Glades counties, along with portions of Charlotte and Martin: Restricted to two days a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. for addresses that end in odd numbers, and Thursdays and Sundays for addresses that end in even numbers.

Yes, that's an update from the Sun Sentinel. The grass is getting a little yellow and our allowed shrubbery is a little peaked.

Should we do an Indian Rain Dance??? Will that help!! Maybe!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Today is Earth Day everywhere on our planet

We are what are we doing about it. One woman I watched on tv said if we all used just one less napkin a day.

I can do that! But...will that really help! I've been using paper plates so that I can save energy and water. Am I not I hindering our enviorment? Perhaps! I will need to delve further online to see what the solution is.

I want to go GREEN! I feel very guilty when Publix gives me all of those little plastic bags. If I took a cloth bag to put my groceries in...would people eye me like I'm a weirdo. Perhaps!

I don't know these answers. I will change all my light bulbs...and I shop very locally so I don't use much gas.

I watered a few plants in front of my patio today by schlepping buckets of water to these poor flowers who were drooping in my view.

I just turned out my living room I wonder when I shut this... computer down for the night...should I turn it off completely.

I love our planet....can I make a difference. I will try.

My 'so-called" holdings

The stock market is doing crazy dances...spiraling upward. Now that's supposed to be a good sign...but I know we do have inflation. When I shop at Publix or Winn Dixie I see how the prices, especially on produce, have escalated.

Speaking of which, not only is our manufactured stuff all coming from Asia...but our produce is grown in countries that I know nothing about. No one ever visits them...but they do ship good fruits and vegetables.

Anyway, back to Wall Street. What is happening? If one owns mutual funds, and isn't greedy, would this be a good time to move that money to a money market...then when the market drops, brag to everyone how you had the foresight to move your money.

So, reader, what do you think? Any gurus out there!!!!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The bottles remain on the floor ...deliberately!

Donna's Gator Aide is still on the kitchen floor because it's still so recent since they visited and I don't like to move them just yet. Or maybe I'm just a lazy housekeeper.

Just like Jeff's gigantic water bottle is still on the sink. Reminds me of when Jeff would come home for breaks from college and Herky was so happy to see him.

But when Jeff was ready to return back to school, I don't know what kind of instinct our doggy had, but he always stole one sock that was worn and had Jeff's aroma, and he would store it in his box.

I guess we all like our 'comfy blankets'. Jeff lost more socks that way and it always made me feel good.

I just wish a 'sock' would have done it for me. Jeff's dad and I would feel a void when he left....because he was so special to us.

April 19--another beautiful Thursday

I sit here at the computer my kids got me and I have lots to say but I'm extremely heartsick about what happened at Va. Tech...the college that Jeff attended...then Eric and then Ryan...the Hokeys.

There's soo much blame to go many signs were missed or sluffed off...and it could have been avoided but no one really wants to interfere or listen.

Before this, nobody even heard of a little town called Blacksburg, Va. Now the entire world is aware of it. Will we be more aware of troubled souls who can do such evil.

I remember when we all made this trip with a 'dolly' to carry in Jeff's things...a little and white computer since there weren't any. Jeff was taking computer science...a new subject..and he had a new Texas Instrument Calculator to replace his sliderule. Should we have kept them...would that be a 'collectible today!!!! We also schlepped lots of towels, blankets and sheets.

We weren't alone...every other parent was doing the same thing.

I remember on the return trip home, I knew that our lives would never be quite the same again.

And that's when Jeff took his first airplane trip home. We couldn't wait!!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

My computer is malfunctioning--did I break it???

Hi...I woke up this morning and the first thing I did was dash to my computer to see if anyone was thinking of me today. I did do one other thing but I'm not going to tell.

So I went to my home page....and no juice. I just couldn't believe it. This highly-sophisticated piece of equipment and it wouldn't send or receive anything....what the heck was going on.

What did I do wrong????So I shut it down....and didn't even watch my soaps but went once again to the computer. Same story.

So....I waited till 7:30 when I knew Jeff and Donna would be finished eating and explained my plight to him.

He laughed and said 'not to worry'. I should, and at my age, this is not an easy feat, to crawl under my desk and disconnect one by one all the connections.

Well....that was the magic! I did that the other day with my printer, but didn't even think of it once, for this problem.

So.....I didn't break anything. Goody...goody!!!!

My Migrant Mexican twin boys with blue eyes

It's Monday the day I get to spend some time with two dear little boys helping them with their homework and reading a book together.

They're 6 years old and very bright. Today one came loaded with a big box of chocolate bars that he was selling for his school. The outside of the box that held 60 was Reader's Digest.

We were working on homework and they were to estimate between inches and feet. I don't carry a purse in the school, but I pulled out of my pocket a $5.00 bill to explain to them that this is 6 inches long. Well, when Juvian saw the bill he asked if I would buy some candy. I had no other change with me, and I was his first customer, so I offered to buy 5 bars .. and if they were very good, I would give each of them a bar to take home, to be put in a separate place so that he wouldn't get it mixed up with his salable product.

There was just 15 minutes left in the day to play Legos...but I went up to him and said, why don't you ask some of the other volunteers if they would like to buy a bar of candy.

He was very eager and thought it was a good he is now an entrepreneur. I bought those candy bars because I remember Jeff and Paul selling candy for scouts and band camp. It brought alot of sweet memories back to me of the days when they were so young.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Learning to Blog

.Hello everyone, I kinda feel like I'm in kindergarten 101. My kids are guiding my every word so I'm apprehensive about what I have to say next.

I just know that this is one of the greatest experiences of my life and I do feel as though I truly am living in the 21st century. I find it so impossible to believe that this is a living encyclopedia...anything I want to know or I find of interestcan be found on the internet

Now from someone who remembers when her father built a crystal radio set in 1928 with headphones, and listened to the first radio station ever, Pittsburgh's KDKA, this is quite a miraculous accomplishment.

When I was very young I only read the 'funnies' in our daily paper, either the Pittsburgh Press or the Post Gazette. Later New Kensington was able to put out the Valley Daily News. Now Jeff and Donna have arranged it that when I turn on the computer and go to my homepage, Florida's Sun Sentinel is staring me in the face...all I have to do is decide do I want the Front Page, editorials. letters to the editor...or what!!

Or what....the whole world is open to me and all I have to do us pay attention to what's going on around me...and if I do, then maybe when I'm out in company, I can speak intelligently and people will think I'm bright.

I'm not that at all...but this thing does keep one alert. I'd rather be on this than playing cards with impatient ladies, who can't wait until I lay my next tile.

So, for the moment, this Sunday, I have tons of things to think about so that my grown-up smart kids won't find me boring.

One moment please...I found this enchanting little note from Donna, my teacher and mentor.

Donna of Manassas said...
Wow!!! I wish I could write like you. It's funny how I find the computer stuff so easy but writing is so difficult for me. I suspect the opposite is true for you. We each have our talents don't we?Donna
April 15, 2007 8:54 PM

So long for today~

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How things are wrapped!

Including packaging have sure changed. When we had our toy store, a blister package was a thin sheet of plastic over the item, and you would pull it apart as easily as peeling a banana.

Today, not so. It's just about the hardest chore on my schedule these days. However, I have a wonderful friend...Virginia, who lives right next door to me. One day she walked over with a present for me....a good pair of scissors made for slicing into todays's blister pack.

When she brought it over, I thought I would never have occasion to use it.

Well...this gift returned me from insanity to being very functional.

My old cell phone wouldn't hold a I made a new purchase of an upgraded one. Not only was the phone in rigid heavy-duty plastic....but the battery also came locked in a blister of it's own.

I wonder if the manufactures over in China giggled as they constructed these...............saying those stupid Americans will be cursing over this.

Anyway, back to Virginia and her magic shears.....cut right through all those heavy layers...and finally after cutting this way and that way.....hooray, I was able to retrieve my purchase.

Now....all I have to do is study the instructions. Help Virginia!!!!!!! And while I was struggling to open this...Jeff and Donna were on Skype with me...watching...and I don't want them to know how weak I am.

They were exchanging the $300. that they had entered into my old phone and putting that amount into my new cell.

Now I have to wait for someone to call me! I gotta use up some of that money!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Time is running out on 07

Writing a blog is kind of a solitary thing. I sit here and ponder where did the old year go..and did I make the most of the days.

I was introduced to a computer bought and taught by my grown-up children. Their zeal encouraged me to try to learn...and I believe I'm in the search engine everyday. I got a gps which I'm not that thrilled with..but eventually I guess it does take you to where you're going.

My niece and nephew bought me a digital frame and put all the pictures from my Picasso gallery into it. technology keeps moving along.

My friends are the same and I intend to guard them because I cherish them.

I'm ushering on a regular basis at Florida Stage..and I love it. I wear a white top and black slacks and black enclosed uniform. The patrons when they leave thank me for a wonderful show like I had something to do with it...but it pleases me that it gave them such a pleasurable feeling.

I've given up my migrant children because the new teacher aggravated me .. and so I left.

I did it for 7 years so...maybe that's enough of that.

Jewish people are very lucky. We get to have 2 New Year's. So you would think I'd get it right one of these times.

When I think of all the New Years' past...I can't get over the fact that I've celebrated so many.

And now once again...going into another year and wondering just what is around the corner.

Mathmatically, if one were to take a calculator and figure out all the hours, minutes and seconds, we'd say...where did they all go.

Time is an abstract!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

My very first poetry--and it stuck

Hi...I was going back in the deep recesses of my old brain when this poem came to mind.

I was in first grade when my teacher Miss Kirpatrick read it to us..and it must have made some kind of impression.

I didn't recall all the words...but thanks to's in there.

In a way I tried to be like the best child in this poem...I was kind of a goody two-shoes child.

WHICH LOVED BEST? by Joy Allison (1917)

"I love you, Mother, said little John;
Then, forgetting his work, his cap went on.
And he was off to the garden swing,
Leaving his mother the wood to bring.

"I love you, Mother, said rosy Nell,
"I love you better than tongue can tell."
Then she teased and pouted full half the day.
Till her mother was glad when she went to play.

I love you, Mother," said little Fan,
"To-day I'll help you all that I can;
How glad I am that school doesn't keep!"
So she rocked the babe till he fell asleep.

Then stepping softly, she took the broom,
And swept the floor, and dusted the room.
Busy and happy all day was she;
Helpful and happy as a child could be.

"I love you, Mother," again they said,
Three little children going to bed.
How do you think that mother guessed
Which of them really loved her best?

Maybe these words came to mind when I heard an old Christmas Carol "Jolly jolly Santa Clause, lean your ear this way..don't you tell a single soul...what I've got to say...etc.

I guess all thru our lives there lives a Santa although he's called by many different names...sometimes just friend which is a great big word..and I've found out you have to be one to have one.
Today I had a nice experience...I went to the Boynton Mall with my friend Judy....and I saw children on the merry go round..
The  choo choo train  traveled all over the mall, even for those adults who can't walk too much.

There was Christmas and Hanukah in the air ... and it was very festive....and it made me feel happy.

After we left the mall, we dined at the Golden Corral...and that is an adventure in many stations with all good much to choose from...and we're not camels, we can't store it.    I took no soup...didn't want to fill up on that.

I made a beautiful salad for satisfying...and for desert, which I always save room for, I had butter pecan ice cream.     So good.

Then I came home and the telephone was ringing...our Brooke had expired.   May Her Soul Rest In Peace.    There will be no service and she's being creamated....almost like she never was.

I need closure....I would like to have a small service here at our clubhouse for her.    I need a man to read the 23rd psalm and say a prayer in Hebrew.  

I'll ask around!

Friday, December 7, 2012

I'm a bit heavy-hearted tonight as I put my thoughts down.   A friend of 21 years is half dead tonight, hooked up to life preserving equipment.    Except  it isn't going to work...she's in a coma and she's brain dead.

She did have a living will, certified, but it's not enough...must have a family signature.    So the hospital can't do anything until her brother comes in and gives his permission in writing.

Her name is Brooke, although I know her as Myrna and I have many happy memories of her.   A good person always willing to put herself out to help you.

She was a very sick girl and woman ... but the irony is she didn't die from any of her operations...she went to the bathroom and fell and cracked her head on the bathtub.

I didn't put it on 63 yet...because she's not living...and she's not dead yet.    Tomrrow I will make the phone call when I know better.

I will go to her funeral to pay my last repects...but her memory will live in my soul forever.  I hope there is a memorial service for her here at High Point.

In the meantime...I have a deep sadness within me.    She was still in her 60's.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Jeff and Donna pointed me in this direction!

Why oh why do I write my blog???   Is it because I want to be published???     Is it because I think I have fantastic ideas???    Is it because I need to be recognized for my achievement???    Is it ego on my part?  Maybe in part of my brain I would have liked to be a writer but it never came to fruition.

I'm amazed at times how many readers spend some time reading my blog, and not just in this country

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Today I was thinking about if I had my life to live all over again...would I do things differently .

No...the answer is definitely no.   I've mostly enjoyed my life, except for the tragic stuff.   I lucked out and had a wonderful husband who was very easy to live with...and then when Jeff came along, it was a wonderful time.   

My growing up years were sandwiched between the great depression and world war 2.   Now we're saddled with another depression.

I do worry a lot about my children and my children's children and if we're using up too much of everything and there won't be enough for them.

I wonder if my grandparents worried about the same things.   Interesting thought.

I know that God is watching over I'll just let HIM do the guiding and everything will turn out all right.