Monday, April 16, 2007

My computer is malfunctioning--did I break it???

Hi...I woke up this morning and the first thing I did was dash to my computer to see if anyone was thinking of me today. I did do one other thing but I'm not going to tell.

So I went to my home page....and no juice. I just couldn't believe it. This highly-sophisticated piece of equipment and it wouldn't send or receive anything....what the heck was going on.

What did I do wrong????So I shut it down....and didn't even watch my soaps but went once again to the computer. Same story.

So....I waited till 7:30 when I knew Jeff and Donna would be finished eating and explained my plight to him.

He laughed and said 'not to worry'. I should, and at my age, this is not an easy feat, to crawl under my desk and disconnect one by one all the connections.

Well....that was the magic! I did that the other day with my printer, but didn't even think of it once, for this problem.

So.....I didn't break anything. Goody...goody!!!!

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