We don't have incest in our family. However, my first cousin Henny's mother married my father. In other words, after 10 long years, my father married my mother's sister Helen.
So Henny's daughter is Davria and Allen, my husband, had a sister and she had a son named Steve.
So Steve married Davi....and we're kinda inter-related but not really.
I received this very newsy email from Davi today and I thought it so interesting I decided to incorporate it into my blog...so here goes....
Steven and Davria Cohencbr /\>
I've been enjoying your blog. I love the photos,especially the one of Jeff and the Irish setter. Iremember how terrified I was of Boots and Herky, andam thankful that I've gotten over my fear of dogs. Iremember when Allen had to turn around and drive meback to Squirrel Hill because I was so afraid! Phobiasare sometimes rational, sometimes not, but they causeus to miss out on some good things in life. I'm glad Ihad gotten over my dog phobia by the time I was datingSteve - it would have been a long ride back fromPhiladelphia when I first encountered Tippy!Steve and Phill are out playing golf, so I am takingadvantage of having the computer to myself. One ofthese days I'll get my own . . . I'm not completelyalone though. Phill's birds are chirping away and onecat is sleeping on the desk and the other is on thefloor, at my feet. They are very loving. Schrodie isabout the size and color of a loaf of honey cake, withwhite markings. He is very ditzy and talks almostconstantly, sometimes even in his sleep. Mensch issomewhat larger than Shro and beige with the samewhite markings. He was improperly named though - he'sdefinitely not a mensch! When things aren't going wellin his world, he thinks the solution is to bite hisbrother on the neck. Schrodie squeals and gets away;in the end he has the upper paw!As much as Steve and Jeff love dogs, it's hard tobelieve either one of them took to cats. Steve reallydotes on the boys, often letting them get away withthings they shouldn't get away with.I guess I'm a fancy lady too! I also got trapped intogoing to Chico's when two women I was riding withdecided to stop there one fall day. At first I didn'tlook at anything, but then I saw a beautiful jacket ofblack, orange and brown, with beading, size 1 or maybeit's 0! It was a hundred dollars, and that's after thecoupon that one of the women gave me! I never spendthat much on clothes! That was about five years ago,and I've only worn it twice; I'm just not a jacketsort of person. It is beautiful, though, and for abouta week after I bought it I would go to the closet justto stare and it and feel the texture of the fabric andbeading.
1 comment:
that's a very confusing family tree you got there!!!
as long as you have it figured out, it's not important that I do! lol lol
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