On PBS we have the Antique Roadshow....and one of my joys is to watch the expressions on eager faces as they're told what their 'collectible' is worth. Now this is obviously something that has had to be dusted for maybe l00 years by many hands.
It seems old furniture brings in the most money and if it's all scratched up and seen bad times, its value escalates...and the bringer-in-er is oh so thrilled that I'm fearful they may suffer heart failure.
I'm a very poor judge. If it's a manuscript, I think it must be worth a lot of money.
For instance and we all know this one...Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. Everyone is familiar with this saying. Well, someone brought in the original letter...and the worth was only $6,000. Maybe it's because words are worth more than things to me.
IF the roadshow were to come here to Delray Beach...what treasure in your house would you grab to have appraised at some fantastic figure.
Remember... . all these years, you've been holding on to it, because you were told it's 'valuable'.
Keep in mind, it must be at least 100 years old....and we're not youngsters who live here....so if it belonged to your parents or grandparents....and you were able to schlep it to the roadshow....how would you re-act.
Also, if you were told it was worth between 60,000 and 70,000 would you want to sell it on the spot.....or hand it down to your children???? `Also that's a big spread on the appraisal amount.
Lots of food for thought
....as i've always said,,,,,"it's only worth what you can get for it"..
true value is what it's worth to the owner, in memories. beauty is in the eye of......
want a quick buck?..go to the casino!
would be nice to think you could retire on that vase of your great grandma's....but it rarely happens
Or as Barnum once said...There's a sucker born every minute".
As far as I'm concerned it's just 'old junk'...unless it has tons of sentimental value that you can relate to and tell a story out.
Or as Barnum once said...There's a sucker born every minute".
As far as I'm concerned it's just 'old junk'...unless it has tons of sentimental value that you can relate to and tell a story out.
Or as Barnum once said...There's a sucker born every minute".
Unless you can relate to the item with true sentiment...then it's just junk. May tell of times past and if you're interested in someone
else's story or history. But just to own it .. to have it for no reason...then it's a 'dust collector'..
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