Sunday, May 27, 2007

I was very disappointed in our Fl. lottery

We were all given to understand that the lottery money was going for education. It wasn't broken down into any particular category.

We trusted! Ha.....and then we had a half percent increase in our sales tax to help education.

I'm all for paying teachers well...providing adequate classroom...and hiring the best of instructors....but here's what I read in our Sun Sentinel.

Most people figured public education meant K-12 schools.The Legislature, in its finite wisdom, decided to direct most of the slots revenues to higher education.Now some people are spinning mad. Which is fine.But let’s remember to direct our ire at the right target: the legislators, not the pari-mutuels.Yes, the pari-mutuels milked the image of needy schoolchildren and wanting classrooms during the slots campaign.But it’s not their fault the Legislature has siphoned money to college kids.The Legislature should put all the slots money toward public K-12 education.And let’s not get revisionist about Broward schools getting a tiny fraction of the state's bite despite all the machines being here. Going into the election, most voters knew that the revenues would be divided up statewide.It still made sense. The big picture: Taxed and regulated slots are better than untaxed, unregulated slots, which are found at the Indian tribal casinos and cruises-to-nowhere.Now that the pari-mutuels have real Vegas slots, the tribes have been negotiating with the state to get them, too.That's a good thing.

Okay...I'll go with that.

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