Saturday, November 19, 2011

Kennedy Center in D.C.

Virginia and I picked outselves up and decided to visit Jeff and Donna in Manassas, Va. When my friend V got on the plane, she bowed her head and I could see she was praying for a safe flight. She also took wipes out of her purse and cleaned the dropdown shelf where we get served.
I'm not that clean...and to be honest, it never even occurred to me. We kissed and hugged and headed for their home. It's a beautiful residential street, although V thought the neighbors flowers were plastic.
All I know is that they looked pretty to me. Jeff carried our luggage to the 2nd floor and Donna proceed to get our dinner on the table. We were a tad hungry since our plane was 2 hours late. Jeff and Donna never phoned the airport to ask the they had a long waiting program.
Soon as we got in the house, Jeff took us to the exercise room, and there in a big crate were two exquisite excited dogs to see us...both beagles but enough different so you'd be able to tell one from the other. They couldn't wait for us to see their endless pool in the basement...and we couldn't wait to get in. It was beautiful...and I'm hundred percent sure that it's going to improve the quality of their lives... The water was warm and inviting and they had a full bathroom off the pool in the basement.
This way they can swim summer or winter.
The next day V examined the grounds and knew every planting and tree.
Me, I can't make that statement. My joy was with the dogs. They rested their big heads on my lap and that made me feel sensational.
Next day they took us on a tour to Skyline Drive in the Appalacians...and thru our car window we saw a big black bear. The scenery was beyond magnificent...even tho the leaves hadn't turned yet.
We went out that particular time for Jeff's birthday and he was thrilled.
Virginia sent Omaha steaks and things and she also bought a beautiful birthday care which we all devoured.
We ate out a few time to restaurnts that we dont't have here. Donna also took us to Wegman's which was a real experience to behold.
Jeff and Donna took off work to enjoy our vacation with them. I came home and Virginia went to Tampa to visit a sick friend...although she wasn't feeling all that great herself...allergy or something.
Anyway, it was a fun time and I enjoyed it. Paul, my nephew came over one night and Donna grilled our dinner.
We walked all around and in Kennedy Center. Nothing spectacular was playing but we saw a cute comedy.
So...all's well that ends well....
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