Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I'm supposed to be in good shape now!

......I've entered a new phase of my life....yep, water therapy for my old acky, and not so agile bones, plus lacking good balance.   So, now I'm learning how to climb steps again..and it's not that I didn't have the opportuity...I have a loft.    I'm blaming myself because I could have prevented some of this instead of spending so much time on my computer.
I'm old...and I don't know exactly when that came to pass.  I used to run instead of walking...I did stairs 2 at a time...and I was never tired.

There are decades in my life that I can't quite account for...there are also some that I wish were frozen in enjoyable they were.   Life is good...and we're guests on this planet to enjoy ourselves.

The ones I can't account for...I've blocked from a part of my brain...too terrible to remember...but I've had tons of good years.

And today as I sit at my computer, I cannot get over the fact that every person is accounted for.   For instance, I also got fitted for hearing aids a week ago...and the audiologist said I see that you're keeping them in your ears about 17 hours a day...but that you don't go out much.

BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING!    Her computer is like a GPS for the hearing impaired.

I explained to her that I watched The Music Man on TV and Shirley Jones didn't sound like the woman I remember.   She had a tinny quality to her voice.   Is this my new life...hearing voices differently that I recall.

When the wind blows it sounds like a hurricane...sounds are very exaggerated.

Anyway, we've come a long way from the bull horn that folks would put up to their ear and shout....what'd you say?  Of course, I'm going way back, even before my time...when you would put a seashell to your ear and hear the ocean roar.

I'll have to go to the beach one of these days and see if I can find such a shell.

But, heck, I don't have to do that.  I'm just 4 miles from the Atlantic Ocean...I can just go down there and hear it for myself with my new hearing aids.  

And while there, I'll appreciate just observing this enormous body of water and maybe see a sailboat or two..or maybe a gambling ship...just 3 nautical miles from land...and I don't have to lose any money....our government's doing a good job of doing that for me.

1 comment:

virginia said...

what a treat this one was...

the whole thing made me smile at how you handle all of this with such grace and humor..

i hope i can follow your lead