Friday, September 11, 2009

Kevin and Cheryl

Once a year our pool is visited by two

really nice people...who come from the

far north...Massachusetts. We look so forward to their visit because they're very interesting and funny people.

Kevin is a teacher and writes books and spends a great deal of time at the library.

Cheryl is such a pleasure...always laughing...what a sense of humor.

This is what makes our pool so exciting.

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Cheryl said...

Thank you what a nice couple!!!! LOL

Cheryl said...

That isn't all, we both look so forward to seeing all the friends that we have made over the years, and everyone has been a joy to know. Hilda is a peach and we just love her. And I love being able to talk to her on Skype when I can see past the river, LOL Private JOke!!!
Thanks Hilda,