Saturday, December 30, 2017

Monday, May 19, 2014

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My first library was in a storeroom! written 5 years ago

We had to be very quiet...not speak a single word...or we would have been kicked out!
There were no paperbacks back then...only bound books and they were very precious.
My first document that I personally owned and was responsible for, was my library card. It was sacred. Nothing should happen to it! And if a book was overdue, I felt I'd created a crime...all for 2 cents. The librarian took her job very seriously and, if asked, would refer you to a special section.
Besides getting a book for myself, my Mother wanted me to bring her back a novel. I recall asking for Edna Ferber....she's the lady who wrote the book that the musical Showboat was all about.
My Mother was an avid reader and during dinner she would present a book review to us letting us know what it was all about. How interested our little family of 4 was in her presentation. So, not only did we digest the best cooking in the world...and we had entertainment with it.
That was my Mother....and I adored her so much!
Now I go to a big library on Hagen Ranch Road...and what a myriad of books from which to choose....more authors than ever before in history. And most of them are very good...but we can't read everything so we must be select.
Ruth, my friend and next door neighbor, usually brings me back something that is just to my C.I.A. stuff...just lots of emotions.
Having a good book to read is such a great feeling.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Feeling God's Presence

Friday, August 2, 2013

Feeling the Presence of God

I'm inspired...just looking out my window!   There's choreography going on with all the leaves in my sight.   I have some mighty trees and they all have healthy, sturdy branches and boughs, festive  with the greenest leaves...and when the wind blows, it's a sight to behold...they're all doing a dance...graceful as can be...and I never get tired just watching.

It makes me know that God is in charge and the performance outside my window proves it.

It's spring and even the newest green leaves have joined in, firmly attached, and it's like a big chorus where they all move.   No wall flowers on my tree!    They move in unison!  And when the sun shines between the branches, that's an added's in 'living color

They dance and if a bug is on a leaf, they get a real ride...just like going to Disney.   There are thousands of leaves just moving around right in front of my vision and I'm delighting in every one.

  If I desire to open my window, I get sound!   The melody of the rustling of the tranquil and sweet.     It makes me feel happy from within.

And when fall comes...we have mulch.

Shredded Leaves are natures favorite mulch. Shredded leaves can be used as mulch anywhere and have the added bonus of being free

Much better than dancing with the stars!   This is no competition...more like dancing with the sky!  

These are living things and I treasure each leaf for the happiness and the natural air conditioning it brings.  The birds also take pleasure in my tree...a resting place from their flight.   Even the squirrels scamper up and down the much fun!

In Genesis in the Bible, the tree is one of the very first things that God created..and all through the ages our ancestors have seen what I'm writing about.

Dear Reader, you, too, can have a thrilling day...just look out your window!
So much excitement...and all for free!  Take it all in!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

means within 10/15 years after Ismail's birth God forgot, what he said earlier ?


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Thoughts from Hilda I like your visits...come again soon!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

We're not in control

The growth of our hair reveals no sensation to our bodies.  either negative or positive.

The growth of our finger and toe nails are also devoid of any feeling as they grow.

That's how I feel about time.

   It just keeps moving forward and we know it, but can't do anything about  it.   I guess that's what memories are for.  I think I've lived my same life over twice remembering all the major happenings in my life.   Pledging the Girl Scout oath...or singing and learning all the lyrics to songs from cheap songsheets bought in the 5 and 10.   Remembering in detail how I felt when my family told me that my sweet Mother at 41 had died.    Or when I heard that my sister at 36 had died.   
Or when Allen and I heard that our daughter wasn't going to live.   These stand out in my mind and I re-live them again and again.
When I received a phone call from Allen's doctor letting me know that he had good news...that my darling had expired.   To the doctor, it meant that his comatose patient was no longer in agony.

 Many times I would like to put a moment on 'hold' because it's too wonderful to let go....but that's not the way the world is created.   When Jeff first said daddy and to our ears.
When Jeff rode his bicycle on his training wheels.
When Paul's science project was placed in Pittsburgh's thrilled we all were.

 As I grow older every day I try to remember many decades of my life and the people who occupied this planet the same time I do.   When I light a 'remembrance candle' it bothers me that I might leave some name out.

I stand in my kitchen and rehearse in my mind all the souls that have enriched my life, and there are many...members of my family and dear friends.

I cherish all these memories because that is what my life is all about.    Even my dogs live on in my passwords and they were just precious mutts that I loved dearly.

I'm so very grateful for the time that is allotted to me.