Friday, September 7, 2007
Santa has an almost empty bag!

It's really a very sad state of affairs! Santa doesn't come from the North Pole, at least not a direct route..but via China.
And we all know whatxappening to the toys manufactured in China.
My husband Allen and I had a store in downtown New Kensington, Pa. and we always prided ourselves that the shelves were brimming to the ceiling. This was our great wealth...our stock. People were impressed with what an inventory we carried.
Now let me go back 19 years....right about this time we would be going out of our minds~
Nothing to sell! Nothing on our shelves! Our toys came from Mattel, Fisher-Price and every other manufacturer of toys.
I'm trying to envision what would have happened if this were today. How would we able to cope with this dreadful situation.
Our customers would be returning all the toys they bought from us. And also ones that they didn't. Why go to Pittsburgh when there was a toy store right in their own home town. No need to go to Toys R Us...just return them to Gordon Toys. What's the difference!
How do you explain to little children that the toys they're playing with must be taken away now...not to give to other little needy boys and girls...but because they're poisoned.
What kind of explanation is this. Between the terrorists...the bees that aren't pollinating...and now the toy's not a happy time.
I think now this is a great thing that has happened with China. This is surely a wake-up call to America....bring out the old proud banner...MADE IN AMERICA.
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