Saturday, November 19, 2016 I like your visits...come again soon!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Back in the day, before we had refrigerators,  we had an iceman.   A home would put a card in their window informing how much ice was needed for that day.   To my recollection this information was on a diamond shaped  cardboard with various numbers listed on it, and it would point at the top to how many pounds of ice was needed for that day.

I know all the icemen had very good hearts and backs.   Ice was very heavy.  It would be carried with heavy tongs on the man's shoulders.  I wonder if he later had a bad back or arthritis.   I mention a good heart because he would cut off chips and leave it on the floor of his truck, and this, we children gobbled delicious.

Icemen became another thing of our  past when every house got an electric refrigerator.

I remember our brown icebox well and how we had to keep emptying the bottom tray as the ice melted.

Were those really the days?   Life is so much easier today for which I'm grateful.  

Our first GE Refrigerator had a  pedal on the bottom, so that if you had a handful of  food to refrigerate, you would just push down on the pedal.

This too became a thing of the past, although even today, it seems like a good idea.

We had this refrigerator after Allen and I married and new refrigerators became available again.

The memories are good....but I really like cold food.    And we don't even need ice trays because we have ice makers--100 cubes a day.

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