Thursday, September 29, 2016


Is it possible that one can live their lives two times over.   I spend my time thinking and I can almost recall many pages of my life.

What people have said to me.....when I was very small like 3 or 4 relatives would ask me who I liked better my father or my mother.  Even at that tender age I knew to answer both.   It just seemed right.    Or they were always going to take my nose.......haven't heard that in many a year.

Not lacking for girlfriends, we spent our time playing hopscotch,  hitting a ball against the church next door and singing songs that we bought at the 5 and 10.   The sheets all came in different colors...but it was the lyrics that held our interest.   It didn't occur to us that we couldn't sing....our lungs were loud and sounded like sheer enjoyment.

    Songs such as the Music Goes Round and Round, Goody Goody for Me....When the Moon comes over the Mountain... Little Man You've Had a Busy Day......or  we would tap dance doing The Waltz Clog....or Shuffle Off to Buffalo....or Tea For Two.

  Jumping rope got our hearts beating fast as we sang everytime we swung the rope...rythmally

Living next door to the Ukranian Church of the Holy Virgin provided us steep steps to jump, challenging each other who could jump the highest.

All this came to a disastrous  halt when my Mother passed away.   She was my world...and nothing has ever been the same since.  She was just 41.

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