Thursday, September 29, 2016


Is it possible that one can live their lives two times over.   I spend my time thinking and I can almost recall many pages of my life.

What people have said to me.....when I was very small like 3 or 4 relatives would ask me who I liked better my father or my mother.  Even at that tender age I knew to answer both.   It just seemed right.    Or they were always going to take my nose.......haven't heard that in many a year.

Not lacking for girlfriends, we spent our time playing hopscotch,  hitting a ball against the church next door and singing songs that we bought at the 5 and 10.   The sheets all came in different colors...but it was the lyrics that held our interest.   It didn't occur to us that we couldn't sing....our lungs were loud and sounded like sheer enjoyment.

    Songs such as the Music Goes Round and Round, Goody Goody for Me....When the Moon comes over the Mountain... Little Man You've Had a Busy Day......or  we would tap dance doing The Waltz Clog....or Shuffle Off to Buffalo....or Tea For Two.

  Jumping rope got our hearts beating fast as we sang everytime we swung the rope...rythmally

Living next door to the Ukranian Church of the Holy Virgin provided us steep steps to jump, challenging each other who could jump the highest.

All this came to a disastrous  halt when my Mother passed away.   She was my world...and nothing has ever been the same since.  She was just 41.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I'm Back

I've been lazy~  haven't written a new blog in a long time.   I do think a lot but never write down my thoughts ... figure they would be too boring to must people.

Well, it's that time of the year again for Jewish people to take inventory of their souls and try to live 'the good decent life'.

There's so much happening in the world and I feel very small and humble and unable to contribute much.

I'm spiritual and grateful for everything I see, hear, smell, and feel. 

Even though I know my age and my calendar confirms it, I've been granted many years and I actually have the joy of  knowing and seeing  my great grand nieces and nephews, and I consider that quite an accomplishment.

When I look back at my life, all things considered, I'm quite content.   I got to share a great marriage with my husband Allen.  I had the privilege  of raising Jeff.  I'm saddened that I didn't have that with my daughter Rhonda Lee.

Paul, I definitely consider a bonus in my life...and his two sons and their wives and children.

All in all.....I'm happy to have Jeff and Donna so near.

What more can a person ask for????   I do ask for peace in the world....and for the Mideast to be able to get things in perspective.    For Isis to enjoy living rather than the alternative and we'd all feel a lot safer.

I do worry for the generations to come and I pray that the world will go on and on and people will be happy and glad for what we have achieved in my time.    What will technology come to???   Will the world be run by robots?     I pray that human beings will never be replaced.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

We're almost entering the season of Rosh Hashonah....and our Torah starts at the very beginning with Abraham and Isaac.  We're taught that Abraham took Isaac to offer him as a sacrifice to God.   But now I see this...and it's very unsettling.

Ishmael was fourteen years old when Abraham's son Isaac was born to a different mother, Sarah. Sarah had finally borne her own child, even though she had passed her child bearing period. When she found Ishmael teasing Isaac, Sarah told Abraham to send both Ishmael and Hagar away. She declared that Ishmael would not share in Isaac's inheritance. Abraham was greatly distressed by his wife's words and sought the advice of his God. God told Abraham not to be distressed but to do as his wife commanded. God reassured Abraham that "in Isaac shall seed be called to thee." (Genesis 21:12) He also said that Ishmael would make a nation, "because he is thy seed". (Genesis 21:9–13)
Early the next morning, Abraham brought Hagar and Ishmael out together. He gave her bread and water and sent them away. The two wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba until her bottle of water was completely consumed. In a moment of despair, she burst into tears. After God heard the boy's voice, an angel of the Lord confirmed to Hagar that he would become a great nation. A well of water then appeared so that it saved their lives. As the boy grew, he became a skilled archer living in the wilderness of Paran. Eventually his mother found a wife for Ishmael from her home country, the land of Egypt. (Genesis 21:14–21)

Abraham and Isaac[edit]

Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac. From a 14th-century Missal
Main article: Binding of Isaac
At some point in Isaac's youth, Abraham was commanded by God to offer his son up as a sacrifice in the land of Moriah. The patriarch traveled three days until he came to the mount that God told him of. He commanded the servants to remain while he and Isaac proceeded alone into the mount. Isaac carried the wood upon which he would be sacrificed. Along the way, Isaac asked his father where the animal for the burnt offering was, to which Abraham replied "God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering". Just as Abraham was about to sacrifice his son, he was interrupted by the angel of the LORD, and he saw behind him a "ram caught in a thicket by his horns", which he sacrificed instead of his son. For his obedience he received another promise of numerous descendants and abundant prosperity. After this event, Abraham went to Beersheba.

Iqbal Hossain ·

After departing from Egypt Abraham took Sarah & Egyptian princes Hagar (who become servant of Sarah) they resettled Canaan. Since Sarah was barren for long time, she decided to give her maidservant Hagar to Abraham as wife (in Canaan they lived together for 10 years) as per Bible "Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her slave-girl, and gave her to her husband Abram as his wife" Genesis 16:3 Ismael was born to Hagar son of Abraham, then Abraham was 86 years old. When Abraham was 99 years old then Isaac born to Sarah son of Abraham. So Ismael was older & first son of Abraham AND Issac was youger 2nd, son of Abraham. Look at what God said in his Bible (Genesis) - "Now these are the generations of Ishmael, Abraham's son" (Gn 25:12) Now how come God can make big mistake, as he said 'Take your son Isaac, your only son" Gn 22:2
It means within 10/15 years after Ismail's birth God forgot, what he said earlier ?