Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I'm so fortunate!

My son Jeff and his wife Donna moved here to South Florida and they're only about half an hour from where I live.

Almost all my friends have gone north to be closer to their kids....but mine came here...and for that I am truly blessed.

It's so difficult to believe that I have retired children and that I have great grand nephews who also have baby sons.

My family is growing and the years are passing by.   And technology has taken over the world.   We can actually watch a war in progress via satellite.

I can see the Olympics no matter where they are in this world.   I don't understand any of it....how my kids work in their homes instead of offices for major corporations.

And when I want to see my family, they Skype me and we have a truly loving visit.   I watch them bathe their children...see their first smiles....and I can see their entire homes.

Lucky lucky me!

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