Monday, September 15, 2014

Whipping at Schools

In the news tonight on all the cable stations, it was announced that whippings with a switch were illegal and the recipients were children.

What could they have done that was so harshly  to a teacher.   But when I went to school in the 30's, whipping boys with a rattan was a common occurance by a principal.   I believe he must have had a meaness in him....or maybe he was taught to do that in a college...or perhaps that's how his father treated him.

We could all hear the boy getting punished...screaming.   I used to shake and my stomach would make me nauseous.    It wasn't pleasant and these were my schoolmates.   But only to boys.   my heart would break and it cut into my soul. What kind of people does this.

At home, my sister and I were treated with loving kindness.

We've come a long way and that was a very long time ago...but I still remember.

And all this media publicity brings it to my mind as clearly as when it happened.   His name was Mr. Berkey and when I would see him, I saw ugliness..    Is that how he got his jollies.   I wonder if the boys who felt that strap come down on their rear ends remember how it felt....did it affect the rest of their lives.    I wonder.

I think the kind thing today is 'time out'.

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