Spotting a ramp when you step out of your car is a sign of AGE. I make an effort to search for an easy ramp nearby so that I would have no need to step up or down a curb. Never occurred to me that I would one day watch for these things.
I'm imagining what my life will be one year from now and they're not pleasant I sport a cane...or give over some of my independence with a walker.
I'm completely devoid of time slipping by. When my son was young, I thought, in my fairytale mind, that it would always be that way.
I loved all Jeff's boyhood activities...I enjoyed standing on the sideway watching him participate in the marching band and marveling at the choreography they were taught when they marched, while holding a trumpet and pressing the right buttons.
Jeff marched in all the parades downtown, and you would always find Allen and me lining the streets watcgubg the musicians as they marched down the street and we would always kvell. Our Boy!
I know that tennis in our town was not a spectator sport, but I went to the games and enjoyed the back and forth volleying....and Jeff was good too, he would actually scramble for the ball. It made me proud.
Allen and I would take Jeff to a lobster restaurant and both my men folk loved having their bibs tied around the necks. and really working with a little tool to get all that good meat out. This was a night out on the town.
I was never an adventurous eater so I never even tasted lobster...I ordered the same old...same old. To me the lobsters resembled big bugs. Not so...this was a gift out of the seas.
Once a week Jeff would dress in his cub scout uniform and when it was our turn to host, we always served cookies and milk...and made some sort of creative thing for the little boys to take home.
But the years have passed and I still can't believe that fifty years have passed since we lost our president. Jeff was 11 years old and came home looking very somber...and we hugged each other. Allen called on the phone and I asked him to come home.
This happened on a Friday and that night we went to Synagogue services...and most other people went to church.
Our hearts were hurting and full.
And here I sit, thinking about all these memories...and now Jeff and Donna have been married 20 years and will retire here in another year.
It makes my heart happy! I am blessed! Next week I will see Eric,
Becky and baby Shane. How I'm looked forward to that. If you were to ask me what could excite me more million dollars...or seeing Shane.. no Shane...........................