Friday, August 3, 2012

Can This Be !

No one needs to dine alone any longer.   I was in a restaurant recently and I kept hearing the man across from me talking.

I glanced over and he was alone..but carrying on a steady conversation.  Then I noticed that he was using one fork to eat....and the other hand was holding a cell phone.  During his entire dinner...he either talked or listened...and that's conversation.

Actually not a bad idea.   If you're sitting across from someone and you're not enjoying the conversation, there's nothing you can do about it.

This can always make an excuse and just 'hang up'.

He talked all the way through his dessert....and I was amused by the entire incident.

The world has changed so much in the last two decades.   If you own an i pod you can just talk into it and your voice will be translated into text.   This boggles my mind.

I wonder if someday, someone can think a thought and it will be transmitted by another person.  I hope that day doesn't arrive....because I believe no one would be speaking to anyone else.

This technology is as far as I go...and when I Skype  with my grownup children on Sundays, that is a miracle.

I see them...I hear them...I can feel the love that flows through our computers.

That is the greatest gift in my life today....near and yet far apart !

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