Monday, April 28, 2008

It was like magic!

When we first moved to our little villa here in Florida, my first big amazement was that the drawers in the kitchen and bathroom didn't just pull out...they were on sliders and they were not just effortless...but they just slid!

Then we bought a bedroom suite, including two night stands, a chest of drawers and a triple dresser....and the beauty was all the wonderful sliding drawers.

To this day, I still find it so fantastic.

In New Kensington, Pa., we had drawers that just pulled in and out but had no gliders......I suppose I should say the next joy was owning a dishwasher. Didn't have one before. Nor did we have a garbage disposal. And to do laundry I had to drag the laundry basket up and down the basement stairs.

Here I just move my body a few steps and my beautiful washer and dryer are waiting for me.

And the first thing in the morning the sunlight would beam in and radiate the living room through the cathedral windows...and it was like a million volt bult lighting our house.

We felt like we were living in a little mansion. This is not to say we didn't have a lovely 'other house', but this is kinda more convenient.

I love my little postage stamp of a house. It's really too big for just me. When I waken, I can't seem to remember that I live here all alone.

You would think time would change this but time is like a kaleidoscope always changing ...and abstracions are a place tetween reality and actuality... for a few seconds I need to remember where everyone is. They're not living here...Just me...

I still feel very fortunate and know that I have a good life!


Anonymous said...

So nice and eloquent...I too get up
some mornings and forget that we
are in Florida. Sometimes in the
winter I think well tomorrow maybe
we'll see some snow? WHAT SNOW IN
FLORIDA..It's nice to hear the birds chirping in the morning. True
people near the beach hear the
slap of the waves against the shore
line, but then they have to evacuate in a storm. We are blessed
to have such wonderful neighbors
and our "little" Virginia is finally home..All is well in the

\My life today said...

Pat, you write so should really create your very own 'my space' or 'blog'. I enjoy your writing so much better than mine. I wait to read yours...and I'm delighted that you're still interested in my thoughts.