Now I know what inflation truly is and how we must allow for this naughty word.
Now I know why they say we must have 'growth' in our portfolios to allow for this.
However, I have done this .. and my mutual funds are shrinking and prices are going up.
So...I wonder how I regain a balance.
I know that if you have no home to is a wonderful time to buy!
I know that because of oil our prices on everything have escalated.
When I was a little girl and my parents were in the throngs of a great depression, my father grew a 'victory garden'. He wasn't much of a gardener...a much better we didn't eat off the fat of the land.
I worry about younger they buy milk and bread and shoes.
The 'domino effect' has undone all of us.
We will survive...we will survive!
I just read your blog about your husband's passing..How beautiful it
was. I learn something new every day. I didn't know that you observe
the day of the death. I wish I could have met him. Well on another
subject here it is Spring in South
Florida does it really mean anything here? Unlike living up north you welcome the tiniest sign of a bud on a bush, green grass once again and some warmer temps.
Here in Florida it seems the beginning of the rainy season, with
temperatures rising and humidity,
bugs and of course in another 3
months the beginnning of our wonderful season called Hurricane
Season..quite a difference.
Well thanks to you...Miss Anonymous...Pat.
Thanks so much for your kind comments.
No other husband could have taken my shenanagans!
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