I have a subscription to Rainberry Bay to see their shows. MOst of them I enjoy. Others I could live without.
It so happens that Stephanie Powers was on the Playbill and I was very excited about seeing her.
I never knew she was a vocalist. Thought she was just an actress.
When she entered the stage, she was just as lovely as I remembered her from Hart to Hart.
Seems like the years just never touched her...forever young!
She was so fantastic and I was thrilled with her selection of music...and she talked about Liz Taylor and Ava Gardner who was Julie in "Showboard".
I couldn't stop applauding...
she brought her own musicians and they didn't drown her out at all.
Two other ladies came with us.
When we got to the rear of the theatre, after the show, I said wasn't she fantastic!
One said she should have been retired and can't sing. The other said maybe if she had a different selection of songs.
What negativism! I couldn't stand it! I didn't speak at all coming home. Actually I kept thinking about it the rest of the evening and early in the morning.
They truly spoiled something for me that was truly one of the highlights of my life.
Go Figure!
I'm SO glad you loved the show..and thought it was one of the best you'd seen.
Don't know why there was such negativity - - - perhaps some jealousy or something??
Try not to let other peoples opinions have such an impact on you. Opinion is just that...nothing more or less, unless you allow it to influence or ruin how you felt.
Just think how well spent your ticket money was and what a waste it was for the others!
Friend, Hilda, you live in the sunshine....not everyone can love life like you do
You can only please some of the people some of the time they say and not all of the people all of the time. Who cares what they thought..liked...or disliked....bottom line is you enjoyed it and thats what counts. Ever hear of the movie grumpy old men....well there can be grumpy old women too! I find them all around me cause they are in MEN o pause. One I know is into men, some just always pause, some just go OH. I recently spoke to someone who just thought the movie Atonement was just ok...I thought it was fabulous...different strokes for different folks. Just enjoy and be happy and don't even care whether someone is not on your wave length. We are all on differrent waves in this planet!
Hi World!
Well, I got two comments on my viewpoint and I guess that's just what it means...I enjoyed it .. others did not.
So, Pat and Virginia, I'm delighted that you both took the time to make me know that I over-reacted.
Oh well.....
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