Even when I was little I was not very dexterious with my hands. Does having little fingers have anything to do with this skill.
Anyhow..this is how we spent a lot of our summers..on the sidewalk or on the porch.
Later in life when we had a toy store, we sold a "SUPER BALL"...and it really had lots of bounce. Too bad I wasn't a little girl then because the super ball would fly high an I'd be able to pick up all the jacks.
I was much better at pickup sticks'. Today I would flunk that too. Do you recall all those colored wooden sticks that were not allowed to touch another? By the hour we had the patience to play these games.
How about checkers...I always took the black ones...reminded me of licorice. And how you'd scream in excitement...King Me--King Me!
And I musn't forget tic tac toe..you take X and I'll take O. We were happy and content with simple games..and that's how we spent our summers.
oh my hadn't thought of "jacks" for years..played it in grade school..i had two claims to fame..i was a very good "jacks" player and I could untie any knot..the boys used to tie them and dare me to undo them..ah, can't tell you how far these hidden talents have carried me through my life!
keep the memories coming..would be real nice of you to do one that i couldn't actually remember!!!
We played jacks and pick up sticks too. I spent hours trying to get good at it but my sisters always beat me. We played 7-up bouncing a ball against a wall. That one I liked because I would just play against myself - try to get as far as I could without making a mistake.
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