It was a family affair! A carpet was put over the clothes line and all the members of the family, little ones too, took turns beating the rug.
This was when I was a young child. I wonder how many people remember this. Then wall to wall carpeting came into style and rugbeating was an art of the past.
Also just plain hardwood floors were fashionable. Tiling hadn't been a thing of beauty then. It was reserved only for kitchens and bathrooms..and it was called linoleum.
What a long way we've come. When I was first married a guy came to the door selling Electrolux sweepers. I said I had only bare hardwood floors. He came in and ran his wand up and down my drapes...and into the speaker of my stereo system...and the junk that came out made me buy it. When my husband Allen came home, he thought I was crazy for buying a carpet sweeper without any carpets.
Maybe that's when I got the nickname 'dingbat'...long before Archie Bunker used it.
Anyway...housekeeping is a breeze today...especially in Florida!
Oh Hilda, you have bought forth
another good memory from my childhood..My mom had hardwood floors and we had a "winter" carpet
and a "summer" carpet. In the Spring she would roll out the summer carpet, take the winter one
outside and give us (it looked like
a tennis racquet) to beat it..This
released all my frustrations. You
are so right, we only had tile in our bathroom, linoleum or congoleum on the kitchen floor. It
was pretty easy to take care off
though, I remember dusting with a mop on the hardwood floors for my
mom. Oh and the "ice" box the small
refrigerator that had to be defrosted constantly, what a pain
that was. but you know I was just
thinking about that the other day,
and I realized there wasn't much
to freeze, maybe the occasional
pint of ice cream. Everything was
brought fresh, produce, your meat
from the local butcher, we had a
milkman deliver the milk. ahh those were the days...I love the
milk from the milkman, cream on the
top and my mom would make fresh
whipped cream with it. Nice memories. Thanks for helping me
Hi..you still don't sign your name...you're like the Phantom of the Opera.
Thanks so much for your comments though.
I do appreciate.
good points and the details are more specific than somewhere else, thanks.
- Thomas
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