Saturday, September 29, 2007

oodles of noodles of fun!

Such good innocent fun we have in our pool! All the seniors gather and quite a few bring their noodle.

Some recline...some lay on top and kick...I like to ride it like a bicycle. I cross the pool many times in this way pedaling my legs and swimming my arms.

Actually, it's amazing but I can get a pretty good workout this way. The noodle is a weight but we sure know we're not going to get a hernia from this...but it is effective.

I also put it under my foot and pump it like an old tire pump..and that's a thing of the past too.

They come in all different colors...and the price is sooo right.

Hope to see you in my pool...splishing and splashing on your noodle!
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When I first moved to High Point, the Board of Directors did not permit us to use noodles.

Then they relented and let us use it just during our water exercise class.

How relentless they were...and how frustrated we were.

I'm sure glad they they have relaxed the rules. Every condo permits them. Our Board is now more in tune with the times.

Friday, September 28, 2007

The old water pump!


When I was a little girl, one of the things I really wanted was a water pump.

It looked like so much fun! However, if you took a sip of this water, it had a very strong taste of sulphur.

I had a lot of trouble pumping it because I was so little and skinny..and I guess not very strong. I used all of my strength to lower the handle and get a couple of drops out of it.

Why do I think of this today! Because we're in a boil-your-water for at least 2 days. If we wanted to eat out, can we trust the restaurants to do this? I dunno! Maybe we should just stay home and boil.
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The only time I ever saw these pumps was when we would take a drive out to the country. I didn't realize then that this was a real hardship on the folks living in that house.

To was simplicity! Now I have learned better!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Beautiful A1A

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My husband Allen only had 2 years of living in Florida. He loved it...but he particularly adored driving on A1A. He called it the never-ending garden..but this was his particular spot. If you've driven've gone through this bountilfullness. There's no such word..but it's a lushness that spreads across the top of the road.

We would drive to Manalapan for an ice cream cone. We would window-shop the beautiful windows of the stores...and then we would feast.

Now that I have a GPS...I must drive up there once again.

Monday, September 24, 2007

The old carpet beater!

It was a family affair! A carpet was put over the clothes line and all the members of the family, little ones too, took turns beating the rug.

This was when I was a young child. I wonder how many people remember this. Then wall to wall carpeting came into style and rugbeating was an art of the past.

Also just plain hardwood floors were fashionable. Tiling hadn't been a thing of beauty then. It was reserved only for kitchens and bathrooms..and it was called linoleum.

What a long way we've come. When I was first married a guy came to the door selling Electrolux sweepers. I said I had only bare hardwood floors. He came in and ran his wand up and down my drapes...and into the speaker of my stereo system...and the junk that came out made me buy it. When my husband Allen came home, he thought I was crazy for buying a carpet sweeper without any carpets.

Maybe that's when I got the nickname 'dingbat'...long before Archie Bunker used it.

Anyway...housekeeping is a breeze today...especially in Florida!
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Such rage!


It was the day before Yom Kippur...the Holiest Day of the Jewish Year.

I was shopping at Famous Market in King's Point for some break-the-fast foods and when I was leaving the store, I saw a very angry shrieking heavy woman pounding on a car with a man sitting in the driver seat. I couldn't hear all her conversation but she was screaming at him that he pulled into her parking spot while she was waiting to drive in.

He was red-faced and screaming at her ...I hope you get the worst venerial disease ever and suffer...and I hope you get it in your mouth.

I stood there shocked. I wanted to say...and this is how you want to be inscribed in the Jewish New Year!

I didn't say a word though...I was afraid of these crazy people..that they would pounce on me..the innocent by-stander.

I can't get it out of my mind. These two souls found each other..filthy mouths...and I was a witness.

I'm still outraged! Why can't people be kind to one another. Why?
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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Can't fault them on their packaging!

The microphone on the computer was malfunctioning I headed in the direction of Radio Shack.

They at least find things for you. Well, I got this cute little upright mike by Logitech...made in China. it home...took it out of their bag...and the blister pack covering this was the best-kept secret.

First I tried with finger nails to open. Then..a big knife..nothing! Finally I used a big pair of scissors...and there was layer after layer of this heavy-duty blister pack.

And then when I think I'm finished....another big blister pack is under this one.

IF they're worried that someone's going to steal this out of the pack, they don't need to worry at all. It's almost impossible.

What isn't impossible is if someone just takes the whole darnation thing...very easy to shoplift.

What were they thinking????

Sunday, September 9, 2007

3 generations of the Millstone Family

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I'm thrilled to say these are my cousins whom I love dearly. They are very important in my life. Each one has a very interesting story to tell.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

I go through my life laughing!


Chicken Soup many books have been written about this wonderful taste..Chicken Soup for the Soul...doctors have even written about it! The soup is salty and keeps you from dehydrating.

Chicken soup, not from a can, reminds me of Friday nights..High Holidays...and when I was sick and felt coddled and nurtured. Maybe that's why the memories are so good.

What does laughter have to do with chicken soup? I don't know...but when I'm happy I laugh...and chicken soup makes me feel happy.

Whether it has matzo balls..noodles...carrots..or just's soo good.
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Friday, September 7, 2007

Santa has an almost empty bag!


It's really a very sad state of affairs! Santa doesn't come from the North Pole, at least not a direct route..but via China.

And we all know whatxappening to the toys manufactured in China.


My husband Allen and I had a store in downtown New Kensington, Pa. and we always prided ourselves that the shelves were brimming to the ceiling. This was our great wealth...our stock. People were impressed with what an inventory we carried.

Now let me go back 19 years....right about this time we would be going out of our minds~

Nothing to sell! Nothing on our shelves! Our toys came from Mattel, Fisher-Price and every other manufacturer of toys.

I'm trying to envision what would have happened if this were today. How would we able to cope with this dreadful situation.

Our customers would be returning all the toys they bought from us. And also ones that they didn't. Why go to Pittsburgh when there was a toy store right in their own home town. No need to go to Toys R Us...just return them to Gordon Toys. What's the difference!

How do you explain to little children that the toys they're playing with must be taken away now...not to give to other little needy boys and girls...but because they're poisoned.

What kind of explanation is this. Between the terrorists...the bees that aren't pollinating...and now the toy's not a happy time.

I think now this is a great thing that has happened with China. This is surely a wake-up call to America....bring out the old proud banner...MADE IN AMERICA.
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A cuppa

Hi...I feel really great...I had a response from Amber, Davi and Steve's daughter before I even wrote it. Just the icon! Now that's great writing...just the blank page.

What I was going to say is wha kind of tea to drink. Iced tea served to me in a restaurant tastes so much better than my own. Don't know why but it's the truth. Last year I was just drinking green tea because it's supposed to have all kinds of properties to build your immune system.

Tea was used for thousands of years .

RitzCarlton features their famous 'high tea'...which I have yet to partake.

When I was little I used to sing a song about Polly Put the Kettle On...and the kids today sing...I'm a Little is my Handle .. Here Is my spout.


All tea comes from the same plant - Camellia sinensis - an evergreen, tropical plant with green, shiny pointed leaves that was originally indigenous only to China and India.

Tea drinking spread throughout Chinese culture. By the third century A.D. there were already many stories being told and written about tea and its benefit. The first book on tea, the Ch'a Ching, was written around 780 A.D. by Lu Yu, who had been raised by scholarly Buddhist monks in one of China's finest monasteries.
The three-volume book covered tea growing, processing, brewing, and drinking, as well as the history of famous early tea plantations, and contained many illustrations of tea making utensils.

Peter Stuyvesant in 1650 imported the first tea to colonists in America in the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam. By the time Britain acquired the small settlement in1664 and renamed it New York, the settlers there were already confirmed tea drinkers, consuming more tea than all of England put together.

TEXT-ALIGN: left">I hope they haven't put lead in tea because every day brings a new event about Chinese products. For all I know the keyboard I'm using to type this, may contain lots of lead. Who knows!!!!!